Psychology and Child Development

College of Liberal Arts

Aaron Estrada

Aaron Estrada

Associate Professor

Contact Information


  • Ph.D.: Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology (Clinical emphasis) - U.C. Santa Barbara
    • Postdoctoral Fellowship: Mental Health Promotion - Stanford University
    • APPIC Accredited Pre-doctoral Internship
    • Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
    • Indian Health Service (IHS) – Crow Agency, MT
  • M.A.: Counseling Psychology - U.C. Santa Barbara
  • M.S.: Clinical Psychology - San Francisco State University
  • B.A.: Psychology - U.C. Santa Cruz
  • B.A.: Sociology - U.C. Santa Cruz

Courses Taught

  • (PSY 599) Masters Thesis [Graduate Course]
  • (PSY 576) Traineeship: Marital & Family Therapy [Graduate Course]
  • (PSY 569) Counseling Clinic Practicum - Supervision [Graduate Course]
  • (PSY 555) Counseling & Communication [Graduate Course]
  • (PSY 462) Senior Project
  • (PSY 454/CD 430) Supervised Fieldwork II
  • (PSY 453/CD 330) Supervised Fieldwork I
  • (PSY 372) Multicultural Psychology
  • (PSY 370) Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology
  • (PSY 323) The Helping Relationship
  • (PSY 305) Personality

Research Interests

Clinical psychology and psychological assessment; clinical supervision and training; underserved populations; status characteristics; sports psychology.

Clinical Interests

Clinical and counseling psychology; clinical supervision and training; psychodynamic theory and practice; mental health promotion; psychological assessment; multiculturalism and diversity in applied psychology; underserved populations; sports psychology.

Selected Publications/Professional Activities

  • Estrada, A. R. (2018). Interpersonal Context of Assessment. In S. R. Smith, & R. Krishnamurthy, (Eds.), Diversity-sensitive personality assessment. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
  • Estrada, A. R. & Smith, S. R. (2017). An exploration of Latina/o respondent scores on the Personality Assessment Inventory. Current Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s12144-017-9652-2
  • Estrada, A. R. & Schlemer, L. T. (2015). Taxonomy of faculty assumptions about students. 2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Proceedings, 1-5. doi: 10.1109/FIE.2015.7344036
  • Matsumoto, D., Nakagawa, S., & Estrada, A. (2009). A new theoretical framework concerning country and ethnic group differences on adjustment. Journal of Personality, 77(1), 177-212.

Professional Activities

  • Rollin, J. F. (2015, June). Psychodynamic Therapy and the Trailer Park: How Class and Racism are Addressed and Ignored in a Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Estrada, A. R. (Invited Chair) for a clinical presentation; Forrest Hamer, Ph.D. as discussant. This clinical conference presentation was provided for continuing education units (CEU) for psychotherapists and psychoanalysts. 104th Annual Meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA), San Francisco, CA.
  • Smith, B. R. (2014, June). This Couch Has Bedbugs. Estrada, A. R. (Invited Chair) for a clinical presentation; Elizabeth M. Simpson, LCSW as discussant. This clinical conference presentation was provided for continuing education units (CEU) for psychotherapists and psychoanalysts. 103rd  Annual Meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA), Chicago, IL.
  • Estrada, A. R. (2013, May). Considerations Regarding Latino College Student Experience. Presentation provided for continuing education units (CEU) for on-site psychotherapists and psychiatrists. Counseling and Psychological Services, Stanford University, CA.
  • Estrada, A. R., Sumalpong, P., & Smith, S. R.  (2011, March). A comparison of Latino and Anglo American Culture-specific Response styles on the Personality Assessment Inventory. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality Assessment, Cambridge, MA.
  • Estrada, A. R., Chang, J., & Smith, S. R.  (2010, March). Effect of Expected Examiner Ethnicity on Latino Participants Response Patterns on PAI Validity Scales. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Jose, CA.

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