Psychology and Child Development

College of Liberal Arts

Carrie A. Langner

Carrie A. Langer


Pronouns: she, her, hers

Contact Information


  • Ph.D., Social and Personality Psychology, University of California at Berkeley
  • B.A., Psychology, University of Michigan

Courses Taught

  • PSY 252 Social Psychology
  • PSY 320 Health Psychology
  • PSY 360 Applied Social Psychology
  • PSY 352 Conflict Resolution

Research Interests

I focus on three areas of psychological research. First, in the area of health disparities (social inequalities in health), I investigate the relationship between social hierarchy, socio-emotional processes, and depression. In a second line of research, I examine the role of identity in political participation and collective action. Most recently, I have begun a project on the role of multicultural curriculum, identity-based bullying, and bias reduction in an elementary school context.

Selected Publications/Professional Activities


  • Langner, C. A., Rijnen, S., Owen, S., & McKenna, R. (2019) Stand Up Act Out: A Drama-Based Upstander Curriculum for Children in Grades K-6. Pyjama Drama Learning.
  • Langner, C. A., Greenlee, J. S., & Deason, G. (2017). Identity and activism in an era of Politicized Motherhood. Chapter in M. Thomas and A. Bittner (Eds.) Mothers and Others: The Impact of Family Life on Politics. UBC Press.
  • Langner, C.A., Epel, E. Matthews, K.,Moskowitz, J. T.,& Adler, N. (2012). Social hierarchy and depression: The role of emotion suppression. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 146(4), 1-19.
  • Langner, C. A. (2008, June).  Federal hate crime legislation and the role of psychological science. In C. A. Langner & E. Levy Paluck (Chairs), Psychology and policy: Perspectives from the local, federal, and international Level. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Chicago, IL.
  • Langner, C. A. & Keltner, D. (2008). Social power and emotional experience: Actor and partner effects within dyadic interactions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 848-856.


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