Psychology and Child Development

College of Liberal Arts

J. Kelly Moreno

J. Kelly Moreno

Professor of Psychology
Director of Training, Masters Psychology Program

Contact Information


  • Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, University of Utah
  • MS, Counseling Psychology, University of Utah
  • BA, Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara

Courses Taught

  • PSY 560: Individual Psychotherapy
  • PSY 565: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
  • PSY 566: Group Psychotherapy
  • PSY 568: Introduction to Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
  • PSY 569: Clinical Practicum
  • PSY 576: Clinical Fieldwork

Research Interests

Eating, Mood, and Anxiety Disorders; Group Psychotherapy; Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy; Forensic Psychology

Recent Publications/Professional Activities

  • Cunha, L., Carlisle, A., & Moreno, J.K. (April, 2016).  Literary fiction in counselor education.  Presented at the annual       meeting of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, Burlingame, CA.
  • Moreno, J.K. (2014).  A duty to betray:  A novel.  Taylorsville, IL:  Oak Tree Press/Dark Oak Mysteries.
  • Moreno, J.K. (2014).  On writing.  Northern California Group Psychotherapy Newsletter, Winter, 6.​
  • Moreno, J.K. (October, 2015).  A Duty to Betray:  Evolution of a psycho-legal thriller.  Presented at the quarterly meeting of the California Writer’s Club, Central Coast Chapter, CA.
  • Moreno, J.K. (September, 2015).  The new writer’s journey.  Presented at the annual meeting of the Central Coast Writer’s Conference, San Luis Obispo, CA.
  • Moreno, J.K. (February, 2015). Group therapists on writing.  Symposium chaired at the meeting of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, San Francisco, CA.
  • Moreno, J.K. (February, 2015).  The group therapist as novelist. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, San Francisco, CA. 
  • Valverde, S., & Moreno, J.K. (April, 2013). Modern sex doll owners: A descriptive analysis. Paper presented at the meeting of the Center for Scholastic Inquiry, Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Moreno, J.K. (April, 2012).  Hello dolly!  Personal, commercial, and professional perspectives on sex doll owners.  Symposium chaired at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
  • Valverde, S., & Moreno, J.K. (April, 2012).  The modern sex doll:  Implications for psychology. Paper presented at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
  • Schewe (Valverde) S., & Moreno, J.K. (August, 2011).  Sex dolls and their owners:  A review of the literature. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

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