Shawn Burn

Contact Information
- Office: 47-23C
- Phone: (805) 756-2934
- Email:
- Full Vita (pdf)
- Ph.D., M.A., Applied Social Psychology, Claremont Graduate University
- B.S., Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University
Courses Taught
- PSY 201 Introductory Psychology
- PSY 252 Social Psychology
- PSY 302 Behavior in Organizations
- PSY 311 Environmental Psychology
- PSY 329 Research Methods
- PSY 351 Group Dynamics
- PSY 359 Applied Research Methods
- PSY 360 Applied Social Psychology
- WS 311 Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Research Interests
My work is diverse but unified by my passion for using psychology to make the world a better place. My research includes the study of gender, the psychology of environmental sustainability, bystander intervention, and bias and exclusion. I generally do applied research intended to inform policy and program design and to support social justice. I believe in “giving psychology away” by showing people how they can use psychology to solve personal, group, social, and organizational problems.
Selected Publications/Professional Activities
- Blogger for PsychologyToday
- Canetto, S.S., & Burn, S.M. (in press). Whose culture? Challenging the idea of an opposition between women’s human rights and the right to culture. In N. S. Rubin & R. L. Flores (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of psychology and human rights. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Burn, S.M. (2019). Women Across Cultures: A Global Perspective (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Burn, S.M. (2019). The psychology of sexual harassment. Teaching of Psychology, 46, 96-103.
- Burn, S.M. (2018). Appeal to bystander intervention. In R. Parrot (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Health and Risk Message Design and Processing, pp. 140-155. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Burn, S.M. (2016). Unhealthy Helping: A Psychological Guide to Overcoming Codependence, Enabling, and Other Dysfunctional Giving. Create Space.
- Burn, S.M. (2016). Gender identification. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, 1-3. DOI: 10.1002/9781118663219.wbegss368
- Burn, S.M., Winter, P., Hori, B., & Silver, N. (2012). Gender, ethnic identity, and environmental concern in Asian Americans and Euro Americans. Human Ecology Review, 19, 136-145.
- Burn, S.M. (2009). A situational model of sexual assault prevention through bystander intervention. Sex Roles, 60, 779-792.
- Burn, S.M. (2007). Environmental Intervention Handbook for Resource Managers: A Tool for Proenvironmental Behavior Change. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.
- Burn, S.M., Kadlec, K., & Rexer, R. (2005). Effects of subtle heterosexism on gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. Journal of Homosexuality, 49, 23-48.
- Burn, S.M., & Busso, J. (2005). Ambivalent sexism, scriptural literalism, and religiosity. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 29, 412-418.