June 1 Weekly Announcements

Latest Campus Updates

Best place to learn about the latest Campus updates on the Coronavirus is at https://coronavirus.calpoly.eduIf you need any help with technology send an email to retention@calpoly.edu.

Some other Helpful Sites:




Want to know more about Senior Project?

We have updated information about Senior Projects on the department website including an Online Learning Update.

Summer Research Opportunity

Dr. Jay Bettergarcia is accepting summer research assistants to join the QCARES research team! It will be an active (virtual) team this summer. Dr. B does community-based action research with local and national queer and transgender communities, often focusing on experiences with mental health care, trans affirming care, and access/barriers to care. The QCARES team is currently working on several projects, including data collection, analysis, and review of LGBTQ diversity trainings for doctors, therapists, and other health care professionals. Check out the links below to learn more and email Dr. Bettergarcia (jbetterg@calpoly.edu) if you are interested in joining the QCARES team! 

PSY Senior Project Fundraising Effort

PSY students, Kaylee Roe and Ethan Heh have created a fundraising page for the SLO Food Bank to help them during these unprecedented times. Their goal is to raise $5,000 to support the local community and ensure everyone has access to healthy, nutritious food. To donate go to:

PSYCD is Seeking Student Feedback on our Virtual Courses!

Last chance to give us feedback! We are interested in hearing what your PSY/CD faculty can do to promote community within the major. The virtual environment opens up new opportunities (guest speakers, alumni panels, and more!), and we would love to hear your creative ideas for making PSY/CD the best it can be! If you are interested in helping the department coordinate new virtual events in fall, there is a place on the survey to indicate you'd like to be involved.
The survey will close tomorrow, Tuesday 6.2!
We will share with you at the end of the quarter our survey results and a summary of what we learned from last week's zoom discussion with students.

Virtual Senior Project Symposium June 4th!

Seniors, we know you all have worked hard on your senior projects and have gained knowledge that is valuable to our department community. So instead of canceling senior project, we are hosting a virtual senior project symposium! For more information and the form to submit your intent, click HERE.

Fall Internship Update

Students who completed the internship survey by May 29th will be contacted by Dr. Garcia this week. If you have questions please email Dr. Garcia, jgarci31@calpoly.edu.

Department Club Events/Updates

PSY Club
Psychology Club is looking for officers for the 2020-2021 School Year! Being apart of psychology club is a great experience, and you do not need a whole lot of past experience to take on a role, along with the roles being very easy to manage if you are worried about time commitments. The initial application is super short and is to finished by no later than June 15th, Monday by 5pm (PST). Please apply if you are at all interested, it's a great way to add to something to your resume, and an easy way to meet other psychology students who are all passionate about being involved. Here is the link: https://forms.gle/BWmpXY2ZADa9FP3E9 
PSY Club and Psi Chi
Join members of Psych Club, Psi Chi, and fellow PSY majors for weekly Freudian Sips Coffee Hours from 10-11 am on Fridays (5/22, 5/29, 6/5)! This will be a chance for you to unwind with both students and faculty, as well as introduce our incoming students to what the PSY major is like!
Poly Child Development Club

Pjs and Lattes event on Fridays from 10-11 am on Fridays (5/22, 5/29, 6/5over zoom. This is a chance for some incoming students to talk with current students and professors on what child development is like and for students/professors to talk about ideas with others. Click here for the zoom link: https://www.polychilddevelopmentclub.com/officehours

Campus Events You Don't Want to Miss!

The College of Liberal Arts is hosting a Teach ON! – a series of both synchronous and asynchronous lectures and resources devoted to issues of equity and justice surrounding COVID-19. Please see https://cla.calpoly.edu/teach-on for the schedule. Times and zoom links will be filled in as plans are settled. A Canvas site is available for asynchronous lectures and recordings of synchronous lectures. Go to https://canvas.calpoly.edu/courses/25041 (you'll need to be logged into your Cal Poly portal) or email Grace Yeh (gyeh@calpoly.edu) or Jaime Ding (jpding@calpoly.edu) to be added. 

Scholarship Opportunities

Just in time for Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, the APIFSA Scholarship Application Form is now available! The Asian Pacific Islander Faculty and Staff Association (APIFSA) will be awarding one or more scholarships totaling $1000 in Spring 2020, to be disbursed Fall 2020. The scholarship recognizes students who have made significant contributions to APIDA (Asian Pacific Islander Desi American) communities. Special consideration is given to financial need. Please consider applying or forwarding to your networks or students you think should apply. 

Deadline EXTENDED TO June 5th (11:59 pm).

Career Services Events You Don't Want to Miss!

Check out the zoom events at Career Services this week. Click on the Career Services website.

Join the PSYCD LinkedIn Group!

Stay Professionally Connected!

Here is a LinkedIn group where PSY & CD alumni and students can network and make connections https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13772067

Planning your schedule for next year?

We have updated the Tentative Course Offerings link to reflect the courses we are offering this summer and next year. REMEMBER, however, things can change so check back often. 

Do you want to change a course to CR/NC?

Go to: https://registrar.calpoly.edu/student-center. Click on Edit of Change to C/NC.

Remember that C/NC rules have changed for this Spring Quarter only. See the next announcement below for details.

Credit/No Credit grading SPRING QUARTER ONLY

The College of Liberal Arts has made the decision to remove the limit on CR/NC units for major courses in all majors and graduate programs in the college for Spring 2020. Here's what this means:

  • PSY & CD students can take any or all of their PSY & CD courses this quarter CR/NC. Undergraduate students need to earn a C- or better to earn CR; graduate students need a B- or better. 
  • This applies to PSY & CD minor courses too as well as minors in other departments in the College of Liberal Arts.
  • If you are doing a minor in a different college, you will need to check with them about their rules for this Spring.
  • If you are on a change of major contract check with the department you are trying to change into about whether you can take a course C/NC. Students on contract to change into PSY or CD must meet our requirements by taking a total of 3 GRADED courses. In other words, it is in your best interest to take your PSY & CD courses for a grade this quarter.

Other Important Notes about C/NC:

  • Students have until the last day of classes (Friday, June 5) to change their grading basis to CR/NC from letter grade or vice versa.
  • None of the CR/NC units students take during Spring 2020 will count toward the 16 unit limit.
  • There will be no limit in the number of units you can take CR/NC during Spring 2020.
  • The condition that a student need to have a 2.00 GPA in order to take CR/NC will not apply in Spring 2020.
  • Students will be able to take more than 4 units of GE courses in CR/NC in Spring 2020.
  • If you will change any class to CR/NC, you are highly encouraged to check with your advisor.
  • If you're taking a class for grade forgiveness, you should not enroll in it using CR/NC.

    Job/Volunteer Opportunities!

    NEW! Learn How to Volunteer during COVID-19! This is a list of ways to be involved put together by a student group in Dr. Langner's PSY360 class this quarter.

    Learn about opportunities at Big Brothers Big Sisters or Boys and Girls Club - Which Is Right for You? https://www.publicservicedegrees.org/volunteering/big-brothers-big-sisters-vs-boys-and-girls-club/

    Camp Natoma is remaining hopeful about summer programs and is looking to fill some remaining staff positions.  https://www.campnatoma.org/employment-opportunities. All positions involve direct work with youth ages 7-17.

    Summer Internship and/or Lab Manager positions

    We will continue to post opportunities that come our way. We encourage you to reach out directly to the hiring institution to learn more about how they plan to proceed during these uncertain times.

    Stanford  SPARQ is looking to hire a Lab Manager to join their team this summer. Please email the current lab manager Rachel Song (rachelxsong@stanford.edu) for details.

    Updated Regularly! The Cognitive Development Society website lists many job opportunities!

    Looking for Study Abroad Information?

    Cal Poly International programs scheduled this summer have been canceled. 

    Visit Cal Poly's Study Abroad website to stay updated on whether programs will be available next year.

    Will there be graduation activities?

    Spring commencement has been canceled. For more information on Cal Poly's commencement plans visit the Commencement website.

    Need someone to talk to?

    The SLO Counseling Service at Cal Poly offers short-term counseling and consultation.  For 2020 Spring and Summer quarters, sessions will be conducted by phone or computer.  Please call 805.756.1532 for an appointment.

    Previous Weekly Announcements

    May 26 Weekly Announcements