Tuesday Newsday: Tuesday October 24, 2023
PSY&CD Department Phone/Email
Phone: (805) 756-2033
Email: psycd@calpoly.edu
Click here to submit an item for Tuesday Newsday
- Read Tuesday Newsday every week.
- Follow the PSYCD Department on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
- Get involved in the Poly Child Development Club, the Psychology Club and Psi Chi (the National Honors Society for Psychology).
- Get advising. Scroll to the bottom of Tuesday Newsday for information about advising appointments and faculty office hours.
- Department News
- Campus Events and Resources
- Off-Campus Opportunities
- Office Hours and Advising Opportunities
For this week's PSY&CD spotlight feature, 3rd year Psychology Student Ashley McKean and PSY/CD Administrative Support Coordinator Beatriz Peralta have interviewed each other. Read on to learn more about them.
Ashley McKean, 3rd Year Psychology Major
- Where do you think is the best place to get a sandwich in SLO?
- I think best place to get a sandwich in SLO is Lincoln Deli. I love the atmosphere, along with all the different bread options and ways to create your own perfect sandwich!
- Do you have any talents/ hobbies that people might not know about?
- Yoga is one of my hobbies that few people know about. I practice yoga regularly to improve my mental well-being before I start each day. I can also hold a long headstand, which is a fun party trick!
- What do you consider your greatest achievement?
- My greatest achievement is my plan to graduate college in three years. I have planned my coursework since high school to achieve this goal. I am excited to see all my hard work pay off this year!
Beatriz Peralta, PSY/CD Administrative Support Coordinator
- What is something you love about your hometown?
- What I love about my hometown is being close to the beach. I grew up in Arroyo Grande, CA, and love my hometown. I truly believe I live in paradise. The central coast has beautiful beaches and great weather; it is a great place to live.
- What or who is the greatest love of your life?
- My two kids are the greatest love of my life: Charlie, four years old, and Marina, one year old. I am having so much fun with them, finding new parks and playgrounds, learning new games, and exploring.
- Are you a fan of musicals?
- I am a fan of Musicals. My favorite musical is The Cradle Will Rock. It is a 90's film with a great cast: John Cusack, Bill Murray, and Jack Black; you must check it out. It captures the politics and art of 1930's.
Want to participate in the weekly spotlight?
If you're interested in interviewing another student, faculty member, or staff member in our department, please fill out this google form.
*At the PSY/CD open house on 10/26, 11:10 am-12:30 pm, there will be interview sheets provided for anyone who would like to do an interview with a PSY/CD professor, faculty, or fellow student. We would love to highlight any interviews from the open house for anyone that is willing to have theirs posted :)
PSY/CD Open House this THURSDAY!!!
Qualified students may gain research experience working with faculty researchers as a research intern, as part of or apart from the research track. Arranging a research internship is typically initiated by the student. A listing of faculty research interests can be found here.
If you are now a senior based on completed coursework, make sure that your intended graduation date is updated with the Cal Poly “changing your graduation term” form on the registrar website.
Field Internships for Winter - SENIORS!
You are eligible IF you are graduating Winter, Spring, or Summer 2024. Please start checking your email for an invitation to the Canvas site called PSY/CD Field Internship Orientation (let us know if after Monday (10/16) you do not have access). This site will help you understand the steps to take to secure a field internship. (You do not just enroll in internship - you start arranging your internship site the quarter before via our department canvas page!)
Tentative Course Offerings (TCO) for 2023-24
Please always check our TCO because it is where we first publish our updates:
FYI: The listings for Summer 2024 are not complete - we will add classes as we learn which we are likely to offer.
Study Psychology with your Cal Poly professors in Italy!
The History-Social Sciences Credential Program and the Equity in Education Minor (EEM) Information Sessions
- Tuesday, October 31st 11:10 to noon in Building 65 (University Union) Room 216 (conference room).
- 11:10-11:30 Credential information
- 11:30-noon Equity in Education Minor
- Wednesday, November 8th 1:10 pm to 2 pm in Building 65 (University Union) Room 216 (conference room).
- 1:10-1:30 Credential information
- 1:30-2 pm Equity in Education Minor
The credential information portion of each session is aimed at helping students prepare for entry to Cal Poly's Single Subject Program. The Equity in Education Minor portion is aimed at any Cal Poly student who might be interested in pursuing the minor. The EEM has pathways for K-12 teaching, Higher Education, Education Studies, and Social Justice and Critical Pedagogies.
Contact Joel Orth (jorth@calpoly) if you would like to make an individual appointment for advising on either topic.
Kennedy Library Resources
On Campus Study Locations
Click here for a list of study locations on campus. This list includes real-time occupancy information for some of the temporary spaces.
Kennedy Library Town Hall
Mustang Film Society
Genetic Counseling Student Interest Group
Do you have an interest in biology, counseling, and advocacy? Still unsure what career you want to pursue? Come check out the Genetic Counseling Student Interest Group! They meet every odd week on Thursdays from 4:10pm-5pm in Baker (Bldg. 180), Room 112 this quarter. We hope to see you there!
Mustang News Roundup
Attention Psychology & Child Development Students and Staff! Are you eager to be in the know about the latest campus news and updates? Do you want the most up-to-date headlines conveniently sent to your email? Look no further! Subscribe to the Mustang News Roundup today! Our Roundup newsletter brings you the freshest Mustang News and KCPR content, and is delivered straight to your inbox every Monday through Friday of the school year. Don't let this opportunity to stay well-informed pass you by! Subscribe here!
Study Abroad & Language Study
Cal Poly Global Solutions Now Virtual Conference
Cal Poly’s Climate Solutions Now virtual conference provides a showcase of 70+ examples:
- Politicians leading change in government
- City and County staff implementing climate action
- Industry professionals changing how business is done
- Entrepreneurs finding opportunity in the challenges
- Academics developing new science, tech, and methodologies
70+ speakers from government, industry, and academia at this all-virtual conference
View the full agenda HERE
Get tickets HERE
Cal Poly Global Programs 2024
Cal Poly Music Department
Our Big Band director is searching for a drummer to play in our big band this quarter. Are any secret drummers on campus who are interested and available to rehearse MWF 11:10-12 in 45-216 and perform on November 17 at 7:30 pm? We provide the kit.
Ordinary Abortion in Obvious Child: What Abortion Really Looked Like in America
University of Nebraska at Omaha: MA and PhD in Developmental Psychology
UC Riverside Psychology PhD Program Information Meeting
San Francisco State Psychology Graduate Programs Open House
The Psychology Department at San Francisco State University invites you to our Graduate Open House Week!
When: October 23rd – October 26th, 6-8pm
Where: Zoom (links located on our website)
Website: https://psychology.sfsu.edu/psychology-department-graduate-school-open-house
Programs: Clinical Psychology (MS), Developmental Psychology (MA), School Psychology (MS), Industrial/Organization Psychology (MS), Social, Personality & Affective Science (MA), and Mind, Brain & Behavior (MA)
Child Development Permit Stipend Program
The Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC) Permit Stipend Program pays the child development permit application fee to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) for eligible applicants. The child development permit stipend is available for all levels of the permit: Assistant, Associate Teacher, Teacher, Master Teacher, Site Supervisor and Program Director*
- First Time Applicants: All levels
- Renewal Applicants: All levels
- Upgrade Applicants: All levels
Permit stipend applications are available at www.childdevelopment.org.The CDTC also reimburses $49 of live scan fees to eligible first-time permit applicants. If you have any questions, please contact CDTC at CDTC-Permit@yosemite.edu.
Chico State Informational Seminar: Master of Arts in Psychology: Option in Psychological Science
Chico State will be hosting an informational seminar about The Master of Arts in Psychology: Psychological Science program on Wednesday October 25th from 5:00-6:30 pm via Zoom. Please see (and share!) the attached flyer for full details. Interested individuals can email psy@csuchico.edu to register.
Brick-by-Brick Program
UCSB Teacher Education Program
We believe public education has the power to shape a more equitable future for all learners. Our 12-month teaching credential and master’s degree program is uniquely structured to focus on developing constructive relationships, immersing candidates in a full year of supported student teaching, and integrating coursework with fieldwork to put theory into practice.
Learn more about UCSB TEP by checking out our website, attending one of our upcoming information meetings, or signing up for our newsletter. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions at tepapp@education.ucsb.edu.
Childcare Jobs
The PSY&CD deparment does not advertise family care opportunities in the Tuesday Newsday, but one of our student clubs runs a Facebook page that serves to link families with students for caregiving needs. The site is "Poly Child Development Club Jobs Page". https://www.facebook.com/groups/371465039705611/. You will have to request to be added to the group and then, once approved, you will be able to post.
Dear Participant:
You are being invited to participate in a research study. The purpose of this study is to provide a more holistic and contextualized perspective of Asian American and Asian international students’ experiences in higher education, by investigating risk and protective factors impacting Asian American students’ well-being. This study is conducted by Stephanie Chin and Dr. Amanda Mitchell of the University of Louisville, Department of Education and Human Development.
Your participation in the study will involve completing a web-based survey on Qualtrics. The study will take approximately 25-30 minutes to complete. There are no known risks for your participation in this research study other than possible discomfort in answering personal questions. The information you provide will shed light on psychosociocultural factors impacting the well-being of Asian American students in higher education. Qualtrics does not collect identifying information such as your name, email address, or IP address. Therefore, your responses will remain confidential, but absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed over the Internet. Your information will be stored and secured by password protected computer. The information collected may not benefit you directly. The information learned in this study may be helpful to others.
You are eligible to participate if:
* You are 18 years of age or older
* Identify as Asian or Asian American residing in the United States
* Currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in the United States (Bachelor’s level and above)
Please see the study link if interested in participating.
Participants of the survey are eligible to enter a raffle for one of sixteen $20 Amazon gift cards as compensation for your time. If you choose to enter the raffle, you will enter your email address at the conclusion of the survey through a separate link. You do not need to provide your email address in order to participate.
These are our most recent job postings. For previously posted opportunities, see here or use the Tuesday Newsday archives at the bottom of this page.
CESAME Learning Facilitators:
- Learn and apply high impact teaching strategies
- Close STEM Access Gaps
- Develop transferable skills that extend beyond subject-specific knowledge skills (i.e. communication, problem solving, management...)
- Inspire environmental action
- Start at $17.50/hour
- Work 2-10 hours/week
CESAME Learning facilitators operate in three different settings. Choose the one that best matches your interest and schedule:
- Makers out of School Time (MOST)- Facilitate maker projects in a small group, afterschool programs
- Teaching Assistants in Mathematics and Science (TEAMS)- Tutor students in elementary, middle and high school
- Sci Trek- Facilitate elementary science lessons during school time
To apply, click here.
Looking for paid experiences working with children? Be sure to join the Poly Child Development Club Jobs Facebook group! I know - Facebook! So old school BUT THERE ARE OPPORTUNITIES! :)
How can I learn more about senior project?
We have updated information about Senior Projects on the department website.
- PSY/CD 461 is a seminar-style class where you attend class and work with a team to identify an area of interest and conduct a literature review on that topic. Registration for this is through the usual process.
- PSY/CD 462 is a supervision-mode class where your team gets matched with a faculty advisor who guides you in developing and conducting a project related to your literature review from PSY/CD 461. The final deliverable includes a written paper that usually consists of sections typical to APA articles (Abstract, Literature Review, Method, Results, Discussion, References).Registration for this is by permission number given out during PSY/CD 461.
Planning your schedule for the year?
We have updated the Tentative Course Offerings link to reflect the courses we are offering this academic year. REMEMBER, however, things can change so check back often.
What Kind of Advising is Available?
I have a question related to GE requirements...
The advisors in The College of Liberal Arts Advising Center can answer your questions about General Education (GE) requirements, registration, academic planning, support services, major changes, and academic policies and procedures.Additional useful academic resources can be found on Cal Poly's Enrolled Students web page, including links to the Cal Poly catalog, registration information, academic records and evaluations, finals schedules, etc. Website: https://cla.calpoly.edu/student-resources
In-Person & Zoom Appointments: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm (Closed for lunch from 12:00 – 1:00 pm)
Zoom Drop-in Advising: Monday – Friday, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm & 2:00 pm – 4:00pm
I have a question related to major and/or minor requirements in Psychology, Child Development, or Gerontology...
The Psychology and Child Development Department has several faculty members who serve as academic advisors for our majors and minors. Students are invited to attend office hours or make appointments with any of these advisors. For advisor contact information and office hours, click here.
For 2022-23, the Academic Advisors are:
Advisor | Advising Area |
Dr. Carrie Langner Department Chair |
Change-of-Major Psychology Major Child Development Major Child Development Minor Gerontology Minor
Dr. Jessica Kaczorowski (Associate Chair) |
Child Development Major
I have a question about graduate school and/or careers...
All active faculty in the Psychology and Child Development Department hold weekly office hours to support students in talking about educational and career plans. For advisor contact information and office hours, click here.
PSY/CD Advising StructureThe main roles of each of our advisors is outlined below, however our motto is: When in Doubt, Seek Someone Out! You are welcome to contact any faculty member for support and they will direct you to the most appropriate person depending on your needs. Click here PSY/CD Advising to read about the new PSY/CD process for helping you!
How Can I Sign Up for an Appointment?
Office hours are posted on the PSY/CD Website (or use QR code below). Unless indicated, office hours are opportunities to drop-in with advising questions, career/graduate school questions, or just to introduce yourself and chat.
Tuesday Newsday: October 17, 2023
Tuesday Newsday: October 10, 2023
Tuesday Newsday: October 3, 2023
Tuesday Newsday: September 26, 2023
The June edition of Tuesday Newsday 2022-23 is available here: Tuesday Newsday: June 13, 2023. From there, you can browse archives from last year's editions.