Tuesday Newsday: November 7th, 2023
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Phone: (805) 756-2033
Email: psycd@calpoly.edu
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For this week's PSY&CD spotlight feature, we are highlighting Dr. James Antony and Dr. Susana López. Read on to learn more about them.
Dr. Susana López, PSY Professor
- Is there anything from any of your previous educators (at any point in your life) that has stuck with you?
- I have had so many wonderful educators be part of my story and many have shared so many pieces of advice. There are two that have stuck with me. One is the concept that things always take longer than you think. Always plan ahead to account for the concept of time and do not get discouraged if it takes longer than you originally planned. The other was from a Chicana mentor who reminded me that there will be situations where people will question our place and belonging but to remember that we belong. To remember our value and worth even in institutions not originally made for us and to always remind others of their worth too. You all belong here at Cal Poly!
- What is your favorite local place?
- I was born in Mexico (the state of Michoacan) but raised locally in North County San Luis Obispo so many places in this area are dear to my heart and are associated with positive memories. One of my favorites is walking through a trail close to my parent's home where I grew up. It feels like home and smells like home. In terms of food, I love the tortas from Papi's in Atascadero (besides my mom's cooking). Yum!
- What or who is the greatest love of your life?
- I have three greatest loves of my life. They are my three amazing daughters and I feel so lucky to have the honor to guide them through this world and get to know them as they grow and develop. Their ages are 12, 8 and 2 so they are at very different stages of development but all very fun (and exhausting) stages.
Dr. James Antony, PSY Professor
- Is there anything from any of your previous educators (at any point in your life) that has stuck with you?
- My father (and high school chemistry teacher) taught me so much about cultivating curiosity and the importance of asking the right questions – he would say they’re more important than getting the right answers! Also, I try to follow my graduate school teaching advisor’s two rules for teaching: (1) you must love your students, and (2) start with what they know.
- What is a location that has sentimental value to you? + What's one of your favorite recent memories?
- I’ll pick a SLOcation – Bishop’s Peak. It was the first SLO trail that my wife (Dr. Kelly Bennion) and I ever hiked, we ended our day-long wedding proposal there at sunset, and now we live right by it.
- Who are your favorite writers?
- I love fiction, so this is tough, but I’ll say a few. W.G. Sebald is my favorite writer about memory, history, and societal change – both Austerlitz and The Rings of Saturn blew me away. Virginia Woolf is endlessly insightful about the mind and social dynamics – my favorite is To the Lighthouse. Italo Calvino is so casually delightful and profound – Invisible Cities is my favorite. And Emily Dickinson has always been my favorite poet. Many other individual works from others deserve mentions too – Middlemarch by George Eliot, Moby Dick by Herman Melville, The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro, and short stories by Jorge Luis Borges.
Want to participate in the weekly spotlight?
If you're interested in interviewing another student, faculty member, or staff member in our department, please fill out this google form.
Winter Registration Updates:
CD 302: Please contact Beatriz Peralta for a permission number (bperal01@calpoly.edu). Permission numbers will be given to interested students but will not override course caps. If space is available, during your registration window, you will be able to use a code to enroll.
CD&PSY356: This class is full. There was an error with how it was posted and we will email enrolled students individually.
PSY 340: This course if OPEN . It will be a large section that is taught online, asynchronously by Dr. Freberg. Please check back Wednesday morning 11/8 if you do not see it listed tonight).
PSY 461: If you are graduating in June 2024 and were not able to add 461 because it is full, please stay tuned for a message from the chair (Dr. Langner) regarding a new section – we will make sure all graduating seniors are able to complete 461 in Winter. If you are signed up for 461 and do not graduate until after this coming Spring, please contact Dr. Langner (clangner@calpoly.edu).
PSY 462: enrollment information will be coming via your email soon!
If you are on the fieldwork internship canvas page and completing the internship interview process, you will be given a permission number once you have been assigned to a faculty supervisor. Students who have submitted their Internship Placement Agreement will receive enrollment codes closer to the end of the quarter.
If a faculty member has agreed to supervise your research internship, you should get a permission number from that faculty member.
Class on sleep! Sleep: Cognition, Health, and Society with Dr. Antony
Special topics class on sleep! In Winter 2024, Dr. Antony will teach a course titled, “Sleep: Cognition, Health, and Society”. The course will be restricted to those with junior standing or above and will have PSY 340 (Biopsychology) as a pre-requisite. If you are a transfer student and have taken a similar class to PSY 340, please email Dr. Antony (jwantony@calpoly.edu) to receive a permission # to override the pre-requisite (subject to availability). The course may be substituted as an upper-level BIO/COG requirement.
Come join us for this talk!
National Latinx/e Psychological Association (NLPA) conference
Last weekend, Dr. Susana A. López, Cal Poly PSY alumni Nancy Lagunas, and 4th year PSY students Elias Sandoval and Lily Pasetta presented their research "BIPOC Adolescents' Racialized School Experiences: Moving from Simply Listening to Believing and Healing" at the National Latinx/e Psychological Association (NLPA) conference in Chicago!
Here is a copy of their research that is in the photo above:
Above is Dr. López and her daughter with the amazing and brilliant Latina psychologist, Liliana Comas-Diaz! She was the 2019 winner of American Psychological Association (APA) Gold Medal Award for Life Achievement in the Practice of Psychology. Students can learn more about her here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lillian_Comas-D%C3%ADaz
Dr. Lee and Dr. Langner presented on bullying reduction as guest faculty/co-panelists, to an audience of 65 members of the mental health workforce (link to webinar recording below).
Langner, C., Lee, L., Sattin-Bajaj, C., White, V., Rising Practices & Policies in our Workforce, Session 3: Interrupting Bullying & Fostering Belonging for the School Mental Health Workforce, Pacific Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center; October 2023.
Qualified students may gain research experience working with faculty researchers as a research intern, as part of or apart from the research track. Arranging a research internship is typically initiated by the student. A listing of faculty research interests can be found here.
If you are now a senior based on completed coursework, make sure that your intended graduation date is updated with the Cal Poly “changing your graduation term” form on the registrar website.
Field Internships for Winter - SENIORS!
You are eligible IF you are graduating Winter, Spring, or Summer 2024. Please start checking your email for an invitation to the Canvas site called PSY/CD Field Internship Orientation (let us know if after Monday (10/16) you do not have access). This site will help you understand the steps to take to secure a field internship. (You do not just enroll in internship - you start arranging your internship site the quarter before via our department canvas page!)
Tentative Course Offerings (TCO) for 2023-24
Please always check our TCO because it is where we first publish our updates:
FYI: The listings for Summer 2024 are not complete - we will add classes as we learn which we are likely to offer.
BEACoN Research Scholar Application
Student applications for the 2024 BEACoN Research Scholars are now live! The student deadline is Sunday, November 19th at 9 pm PT.
The BEACoN Research Mentoring Program, run by the Office of University Diversity & Inclusion, exists to educate, empower, and advocate for underrepresented students and provide them with funded undergraduate research opportunities working one-on-one with faculty.
Selected students will engage with faculty during Winter and Spring quarters and receive a $2,000 quarterly stipend ($4,000 total) distributed via financial aid while gaining research experience and participating in professional development events within the BEACoN Program.
Please view all available research projects at https://diversity.calpoly.edu/2023-2024-beacon-research-projects and apply at tinyurl.com/BEACoNScholar2024. Students may apply for up to three projects.
International Education Week
The Cal Poly International Center is celebrating International Education Week (IEW 2023) November 13-17!
The week’s events provide opportunities for the campus community to participate in cultural and educational programming virtually and in person. An initiative of the U.S. Department of State, International Education Week highlights the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide.
Events include student panels, study abroad info sessions, and internationally themed meals by Campus Dining.
Events for faculty and staff include the 'International Student Inclusivity Workshop,' and the 'Faculty/Staff International Opportunities Open House,' both held virtually.
Click here or use the link below for the full list of free events, locations, and Zoom links! Cal Poly students and employees will be entered into a raffle for each event they participate in during IEW 2023.
Presenting DEAD NAME: A Performance by Sammie Veeler
Please join us for a presentation of DEAD NAME: an ongoing multimedia performance by artist Sammie Veeler that explores gender transition and identity formation in the digital age.
The Department of Art & Design is please to present Dead Name: a multimedia performance by LA-based artist Sammie Veeler, presented in conjunction with the University Art Gallery’s current exhibition LIFELIKE. In this work, Veeler performs the role of female archivist, leading us through the digital remains of a dead male artist: her late husband, Tvordis Veeler. Combining worldbuilding with virtual reality and live performance, Dead Name elucidates the complexity of identity formation in the digital age, when past versions of ourselves are archived with or without our consent across online platforms. The startling live experience of this work provokes questions about vulnerability and body sovereignty in a hybrid world. It also opens space for discussion about the nature of memory, the importance of co-creation in technology, and our collective responsibility as digital historians for ourselves and our communities.
Dead Name is an ongoing series of site-specific performances. It has been performed eight times since October 2022, with support from Gray Area, Honor Fraser Gallery, Octobre Numerique Faire Monde, the Tezos Foundation, and SAIC. In addition, Veeler maintains a public virtual archive of every performance in the series, installed in a virtual world on New Art City. This iteration at Cal Poly is sponsored by the Office of University Diversity and Inclusion; ASI; Liberal Arts and Engineering Studies Program; Department of Art & Design; Women’s, Gender, and Queer Studies; the Gender Equity Center; and the Pride FSA ❤️
Wednesday, November 15 at 6pm
Thursday, November 16 at 11am
Jack and Felicia Cashin Expressive Technology Studios
Frost Center, ground floor
- Questions about the event? Please contact Allison Myers at amyers14@calpoly.edu.
First Generation Day Event: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Navigating Your Career with Confidence
In celebration of First Gen Day, Cal Poly Career Services invites student to attend this transformative and inspiring keynote featuring, Oscar Garcia, a first-generation professional. Oscar provides a unique perspective and understanding of how historically marginalized groups can overcome imposter syndrome and navigate their career with unshakable confidence. This highly engaging session will provide practical strategies and insightful tips to develop self-confidence and excel in your career journey.
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Location: Advanced Technology Lab (ATL), Building 7
Agenda: 4:30 PM Check-in/Dinner provided
5:00 PM Keynote Speaker
6:30 PM Event Concludes
Thank you to Cal Poly Scholars, Educational Opportunity Program, and Student Diversity and Belonging for co-sponsoring this event.
Register here.
Men and Masculinities Center Events
The Men and Masculinites Center is hosting events for the month of Movember. The month is dedicated to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men's suicide. Join us in the UU room 209 (next to the mens restrooms) for community building, games, and enter a raffle to win athletic gear from Lululemon.
Cal Poly Entrepreneurs
Cal Poly Entrepreneurs is hosting their largest pitch competition of the year, Startup Launch Weekend, from November 10-12. This Shark Tank-themed event will start downtown in the CIE Hothouse with guest speakers, catered food, and a business model canvas workshop. Throughout the weekend, students will form groups and develop a business idea, for the chance to win over $2100 in prizes!
This is an amazing opportunity to network, meet industry leaders, engage in customer development, and present their final pitch to a panel of judges. There will be catered food from In n Out, Celsius, SloDoCo, Costco, and much more!
Startup Launch Weekend is a 54-hour long event in San Luis Obispo, hosted by Cal Poly Entrepreneurs, where participants experience what it takes to start their own company in a hands on scenario. Participants share their ideas, form teams, engage in customer development, and present their final pitch to a panel of judges. Throughout the weekend, teams work alongside mentors, faculty members, and local business executives who guide them through the journey. In addition, participants have the opportunity to hear from co-founders and CEOs who have successfully built their own companies.
Click here for the sign up link!
Talk by Dr. Laurie Shrage: Rebuilding the Movement for Reproductive Rights and Justice
Funding Opportunity: Cal Poly HSI High Impact Mini-Grant Program
Up to ten mini-grants will be awarded ranging from $500 to $5,000 for projects and programs that demonstrate a strong potential to holistically impact the Latinx/e community at Cal Poly.
Project Focus: Proposed projects should align with the mission of Cal Poly's pathway to becoming an HSI and center the experiences of the Latinx/e community.
All Faculty, staff, and students at Cal Poly are eligible to apply including individuals, organizations, departments, and units.
Grant Categories:
Applicants may apply for mini-grants in the following categories:
- Educational Initiatives: Projects that enhance educational opportunities and outcomes for Latinx/e students, such as curriculum development, mentorship programs, or academic support services.
- Cultural and Community Engagement: Initiatives that promote Latinx/e culture, heritage, and community engagement on campus, including cultural events, workshops, and awareness campaigns.
- Research and Innovation: Projects that support research endeavors and innovations that address issues relevant to the Latinx/e community or contribute to the advancement of Cal Poly’s HSI status in STEM, as a Predominantly White Institution, as a CSU etc.
Deadline: November 30, 2023
You can find more details about the Cal Poly HSI Mini-Grant Program here.
Participate in the Mustang Media Group's research survey!
Scholarship: Professional Development Grant
Intertidal Literary and Art Journal
Call for Submissions!
Attention all writers and artists!
Intertidal is a literary and art journal that aims to reflect Cal Poly writers and artists of all experience levels, backgrounds, and majors in their growth and connection through creativity.
To honor our journal’s vision of inclusivity and diversity, we welcome and encourage students, staff, and faculty of all identities, academic disciplines, and experience levels within the Cal Poly community to submit works of creative writing and visual art. We want to hear from you!
Vol. 2 Vision Statement: Like a California tide pool flourishing with an abundant display of marine life, Cal Poly is home to an equally diverse array of literary and artistic talents. The 2024 issue of the Intertidal literary journal will showcase these talents, allowing readers to peer into a realm of creative expression that celebrates our university’s multilayered ecosystem.
Submissions may include but are not limited to the following genres: short fiction, poems, essays, screenplay excerpts, comic strips, photography, paintings, and illustrations.
Submission Guidelines
- The window for submissions is open now until Friday, 12/08/23.
- Writing submissions must not exceed 15 pages.
- Visual art submissions must not exceed 5 pieces.
Submit your work here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCMRtqezztllh1uqrTUjwVBo91gX_eR-U32gQuvL5R5p5C6w/viewform
Please email any questions that you may have to intertidal@calpoly.edu.
Our Intertidal team will also be hosting one-on-one workshops for anyone wanting to go over their work prior to submission! Reach out via email if you are interested in scheduling.
In the meantime, follow @cp.intertidal on Instagram to stay up to date with the journey of the publication.
Take a look at last year's Intertidal publication here:
The History-Social Sciences Credential Program and the Equity in Education Minor (EEM) Information Session
- Wednesday, November 8th 1:10 pm to 2 pm in Building 65 (University Union) Room 216 (conference room).
- 1:10-1:30 Credential information
- 1:30-2 pm Equity in Education Minor
The credential information portion of each session is aimed at helping students prepare for entry to Cal Poly's Single Subject Program. The Equity in Education Minor portion is aimed at any Cal Poly student who might be interested in pursuing the minor. The EEM has pathways for K-12 teaching, Higher Education, Education Studies, and Social Justice and Critical Pedagogies.
Contact Joel Orth (jorth@calpoly) if you would like to make an individual appointment for advising on either topic.
Kennedy Library Resources
On Campus Study Locations
Click here for a list of study locations on campus. This list includes real-time occupancy information for some of the temporary spaces.
Kennedy Library Town Hall
Genetic Counseling Student Interest Group
Do you have an interest in biology, counseling, and advocacy? Still unsure what career you want to pursue? Come check out the Genetic Counseling Student Interest Group! They meet every odd week on Thursdays from 4:10pm-5pm in Baker (Bldg. 180), Room 112 this quarter. We hope to see you there!
Study Abroad & Language Study
Health and Culture in Italy with Drs. Langner and López