Psychology and Child Development

College of Liberal Arts

Tuesday Newsday: March 18th

PSY&CD Department Phone/Email 

Phone: (805) 756-2033

Click here to submit an item for Tuesday Newsday


  1. Read Tuesday Newsday every week!
  2. Follow the PSYCD Department on FacebookInstagram and LinkedIn
  3. Get involved in the Poly Child Development Club, the Psychology Club, Psi Chi (the National Honors Society for Psychology), and or the Cognitive Neuroscience club (see below). 




FAQs on Federal Immigration Enforcement (from OUDI):

Additional resources:

Resources for supporting Undocumented Community

Cal Poly Resources:

  1. The Dream Center: Office: BLDG 52, Room E-11
    1. Red Cards: Free cards that help communicate Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights (some are available at the Dream Center).
    2. Jose Guevara J (He/Him/El)Dream Center Coordinator is available to speak with students (email:
  2. Office of University Diversity and Inclusion: Has summarized CSU guidance into an accessible one-page guide (attached), and also linked here.

CSU-wide and National Resources:

  1. Students and Staff can make a legal consolation for free for themselves or their family with:  CSU - Immigrant Legal Defense (ILD) Legal Services 
  1. These are upcoming webinars with ILD:












Support for those affected by the Southern California Wildfires

Ways to get involved: Donate to the American Red Cross here

Resources to share with friends and family in the affected area: The FEMA helpline at 1-800-621-3362; Disability & Disaster Hotline: 800-626-4959,

If you are in need of support, please reference this message from David Groom, Ph.D., Interim Dean of Students, and Cynthia Vizcaíno Villa, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs for campus resources.

Please take care of yourself and your community during this time, and know that your Cal Poly community is here for you. 


Community Building in PSY&CD

Thanks to all who attended our community building events these past few weeks! We would like to continue creating these spaces for connecting, sharing resources, and strengthening our community. Please stay tuned for additional information! And send along any ideas for future meetings to



Nominate someone for the weekly spotlight:

If you're interested being in the spotlight or nominating another student, faculty member, or staff member in our department, please fill out this google form.

Cognitive Neuroscience Club

The Cal Poly Cognitive Neuroscience Club organized a field trip to UC Santa Barbara's Brain Imaging Center on 2/28. Students in the club and others interested in learning about neuroscience participated in the tour led by one of UCSB's lab research assistants. The trip involved information about ongoing research studies, a tour of the MRI lab, and even observing the process of taking a scan of the brain! We extend our gratitude to UCSB for hosting our group and we learned a lot. Follow us on Instagram @cpcogneuro to get involved!

Congratulations Class of '25! If you choose, you may purchase a PSYCD graduation stole from the department office on Mondays and Thursdays during business hours. 

Social-Community Psychology Research Internship

Dr. Daniel Rodriguez (website) is looking for one or two Psychology majors to join a research internship in Spring 2025. This research project focuses on how non-profit care workers and organizers in Central Coast and Northern California promote equity and social change in their organizations and communities.

Interns will be mentored in qualitative research methods and social-community psychology theories of social change. They may also help map transformative change organizations in SLO County. From there, interns will assist in transcribing and analyzing interviews with change-makers using consensus qualitative research.

This internship involves a 10–12 hour/week commitment over two quarters (Spring and Fall, with the option to continue longer if interested). Students would enroll in PSY 448 and 449 (Research Internship) for credit. Professional development will be embedded throughout the internship, making this a great opportunity for students considering graduate programs in Social/Community/Counseling Psychology, Social Work, or Public Health. This position is ideal for those who are socially aware, engaged, and passionate about social psychology research, social change, and/or community care. Those interested may also have opportunities to present at conferences and, with effort, co-authored publications. 

If this sounds like a good fit, email Dr. R at to set up a Zoom conversation!

CD Major Research Intern Opportunity

Dr. Jipson is looking for two Child Development majors to serve as research interns for a project examining how play with Magna-Tiles supports children's learning and development. The interns will assist Dr. Jipson with study design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation of findings. This project will provide students with opportunities to network with educational toy developers from several well-known companies. A spring and summer commitment is required, with potential for a combination of course credit and hourly pay. Spring will be fully in-person, but summer may be remote. Please email to set up an interview.

Development/Genetics Research Opportunity

Dr. Jessica Kaczorowski is looking for two Child Development or Psychology majors to complete a research internship during spring 2025. Students will assist with conducting a literature review and possible meta-analysis of examining evidence-based intervention programs for children with a genetic syndrome. If interested, students will be provided opportunities to present results from this study at conferences and assist in the publication process. Please email Dr. K at if you are interested and to set up an interview.

Join Our Study & Make an Impact!

We are seeking participants of all backgrounds to participate in a paid research study that explores social dynamics. Scan the QR code to complete our brief screener survey and someone will be in touch!

CD Student Senior Project:

Our project focuses on breastfeeding and its benefits for child development, particularly emotional development and attachment. We are also sharing local resources to support breastfeeding parents.

Check out the instagram page below!


Nominate yourself or a fellow PSY/CD student (graduating seniors only) for a College- or University-Level award!

Consider nominating yourself or a fellow PSY/CD student (must be graduating in 2025) for one of several college- or university-level awards! Awards include Academic Excellence, Contributions to the Objectives & Public Image of the College/University, Service to the Community, Outstanding Achievement in DEI, Excellence in Learn by Doing, and a variety of awards from Cal Poly Arts! Nomination forms should be submitted here by Friday, March 28th!


If you are now a senior based on completed coursework, make sure that your intended graduation date is updated with the Cal Poly “changing your graduation term” form on the registrar website.

SPRING 2025 Registration


*We are planning to ADD SECTIONS of the following courses if we can find instructors to staff them (we're so close because we have the funds!): PSY201, CD/PSY256, CD/PSY329, PSY330, CD305 or 356, and/or CD350. Please watch this spot for updates!

--The course cap on PSY 201 has been raised

--We have added an online section of CD/PSY 256

--We have added a section of PSY 330

--We are adding a section of PSY 372

--Still working on trying to add a section of CD 350 and one more section of either CD305 OR 356

--An additional section of 329 is looking unlikely

*CD302 and PSY344 are full. In future quarters, we will continue to make sure that students closest to graduation get seats. 

*Supervision permission numbers (fieldwork internship, research internship, and the second part of senior project 462) will be sent out at the end of the quarter.

*In general, if you are trying to add a course and facing a barrier, the general practice is to get on the waitlist and then go to class on the first day. If you are unable to get on a waitlist because of a pre-req issue, you should contact the instructor of the course and then reach out to the department office if you have been granted permission by the instructor.

*Seats available in PSY 470: Community Psychology:


Italy: Health & Culture Deadline Extended to March 21!

Dreaming of la dolce vita? This program is open to ALL MAJORS!

The deadline to apply to the Cal Poly in Italy: Health and Culture Global Program for Summer 2025 has been extended to March 21!

Students have until March 21 to complete their application. Applications will be reviewed after the extended deadline.  

On this five-week hybrid program, co-led by Dr. Carrie Langner and Dr. Linda Lee, students explore the intersection of culture and health via hands-on, cross-cultural, and wellness experiences in beautiful Naples, Italy. Course content and on-site activities are designed for psychology and child development majors and minors, nutrition majors, Italian minors, and all students interested in health and wellness practices/industry. Students earn 8 units of Cal Poly credit. Courses taught in English. 


Hello from the Food Science & Nutrition Department!We’re excited to announce that FSN 516 – Advanced Concepts in Population Health and Epidemiology is now open for enrollment! This dynamic graduate-level course is only offered every other year and may be a great fit for students in your department.

Course Description:
FSN 516 explores advanced concepts and issues in population health and epidemiology, covering epidemiologic methods, study design, and conceptual frameworks from a public health perspective. The course also addresses analytical considerations related to population health, with an emphasis on nutrition-related issues at both national and global levels.

  • Graduate-level course
  • 3 units
  • Offered every other year

EDUC 403: Developing Teachers of Color


This course will focus on developing and supporting aspiring educators of Color (focus on K-12 education). 

As a learning community, we will discuss, explore, and experience structural factors that often lead to the underrepresentation of teachers of Color, culturally democratic pedagogies, and resources that support the thriving of teachers of Color.

Email Dr. Efrain Brito for more info on Enrollment:

Summer TCOs 

We now have a website listing all TENTATIVE CLA summer courses for students who are trying to plan ahead for Summer 25:


There are TWO types of internships that are usually completed in junior or senior year...

Fieldwork: Students gain experience working within local social service and governmental agencies, schools, businesses, and other organizations.

Research: Qualified students interested in research experience may find opportunities to work within faculty research labs. These positions are limited. 

See our internships page for more detail.


Fieldwork internships in Winter 2025 are only available to students with senior standing or expected graduation dates of Winter 2025, Spring 2025, and Fall 2025.

**Important internship updates! Please read!! 
  • All eligible students will be invited to the internship canvas by Week 5 of Winter Term.
  • You can begin contacting sites you are interested in during Week 6. Please first email the faculty coordinator to determine whether the site is taking students next quarter. The faculty coordinator will also provide you with the contact information for the site. Faculty will not provide contact information before Week 6.
  • Feel free to email Dr. Jessica Kaczorowski at with questions



There are additional options beyond the 'research track' (applications due at beginning of Junior year). When faculty members are looking for research interns, we will post that info in the Tuesday Newsday. Another way to seek out research experience is to talk to your professors in office hours about your interest in research and whether they know of any projects or will keep you in mind for future projects. A few of our students have secured research internships with faculty in other departments at Cal Poly and in some cases it is possible to substitute internship units for the PSYCD internship requirements.

Tentative Course Offerings (TCO) for 2024-25

Please always check our TCO because it is where we first publish our updates. When planning what you'd like to take in future quarters you can take a look at the TCO to see when sections are likely to be offered and what their modality will be (in-person vs. online).



SLO Solutions has FREE services for Cal Poly students struggling with conflict.

SLO Solutions is funded by a partnership between the City of San Luis Obispo, Cal Poly, Cuesta College, and Creative Mediation. Students can receive Conflict Coaching, Mediation, and Conflict Resolution Workshops.

Services for:
ROOMMATE (communication, expectations, house responsibilities, lease agreements)
LANDLORD/TENANT (security deposit, property upkeep)
NEIGHBOR (noise complaints)

Why use SLO solutions?
SLO Solutions works. The services are free, the mediators are impartial, trained, and helpful. The process is convenient, relaxed, and quick. Our services are provided In-person or over zoom.


The Puente Program

Puente translates from Spanish to bridge because we like to say that we create the bridge to success. The Puente Program is a state funded program generally found in Northern California high schools and community colleges as a college preparatory program. At Cal Poly we are a club that advances the lineage of puente beyond their high school graduation or associate's degree.

This year is the first year that puente has expanded onto college campuses in order to have former puente students from high schools or community colleges come onto campus and feel an immediate community that they can identify with. Along with being a social club for Puentistas, we also host several campus tours for Puentistas who are thinking about applying to cal poly. Puente is important because it primarily serves low income, first generation students in order to restore equity and help them cross over the bridge. Puente is a family and it is open to anyone who wants to succeed, but especially those who want to see others succeed!

Campus Health Resources 

-Health services  [ and]

-Mental health services [ and]

-Food pantry (

Kennedy Library Resources

On Campus Study Locations

Click here for a list of study locations on campus. This list includes real-time occupancy information for some of the temporary spaces.


Day of Celebration of Inclusive Intergenerational Environments Webinar

On Thursday, March 27, Ilonka Walker, coordinator at intergenerational programs at Generations United, will give a webinar entitled Connecting Generations, Strengthening Communities: The Role of Intergenerational Programs on Campus from 6-7:15 p.m. CT. 

Here is the link to sign up for the webinar.

Undergraduate Research Conference Opportunities

Conference Opportunity: WPCUR 

This year's Western Psychology Conference for Undergraduate Research (WPCUR). will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2025, from 9:00 - 2:00.

Find abstract submission guidelines here

Seniors APPLY: Careers Taking Action for Change

Are you looking for a career that allows you to learn skills in advocacy and organizing? The Student PIRGs are hiring for Immediate start positions, as well as positions starting in Fall 2025, to make a difference on important problems facing our communities. Apply today.

As an organizer you’ll train student activists to make a difference on key issues by:

  • Helping students run strategic campaigns. Campus organizers will recruit and train students to run campaigns such as eliminating single-use plastics, protecting our remaining wildlife and special places, making college more affordable, and helping register voters, and more.
  • Training students to be effective social change leaders, using skills such as generating grassroots support and coordinating lobby days and news conferences.

If those sound like issues you want to help make a difference on, you should apply for a job working to organize communities to create a greener and healthier future! Watch this video to learn more! 

Not yet a Senior/ready to apply? Sign up here to learn more.

PRAISE Behavior Services Internship Opportunity

PRAISE Behavior Services provides Child Development and Psychology majors with a hands-on opportunity to work directly with individuals with developmental disabilities, including autism and related disorders, in a supportive and structured environment. Interns will implement individualized behavior intervention plans under BCBA supervision, provide 1:1 support in home, and collect behavioral data to track progress. Additional training opportunities are available, including supervision toward earning an RBT (Register Behavioral Therapist) certification. This is a paid internship with flexible scheduling (preferred hours: 2:00-6:00 PM). Reliable transportation is required, as travel within SLO County is expected. Mileage and drive time between clients are compensated. This internship provides valuable experience for students interested in careers in ABA, psychology, and education. Please visit our website at for more information or send us an email at with any questions.

Summer Experience Looking for Activity Leaders

San Luis Coastal Unified School District's Summer Experience Program is looking for activity leaders with a passion for teaching and working with children! We would love to connect with any faculty or students that may have interest in teaching between June 12th-July 25th. Activity leaders can teach a variety of subjects from Culinary, Sports & Wellness, Fine Arts, STEAM classes and much more! No credential is required, we just ask that applicants have 45 semester units, 60 quarter units or pass the NCLB test provided by San Luis Coastal Unified School District. 

You can check out more about our program from our website here. Our day will consist of up to three periods at 90-95 minutes long at one of five sites throughout our district. If you have any suggestions or recommendations for our recruitment process I would love to connect with you!

Please feel free to forward our Staff Interest Survey to any students/staff you feel would make a good addition to our Summer Experience Team!

Employment Opportunity: Camp Krem Yosemite 

Camp Krem Yosemite - Camping Unlimited is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit camp providing inclusive, enriching experiences for children and adults with disabilities.  

We are currently hiring for Summer 2025 and are looking for passionate, dedicated individuals to join our team. Our camp provides enriching experiences for campers of all abilities, and working with us is a fantastic opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience, develop leadership skills, and make a real impact.

Positions Available:

  • Counselors & Lifeguards
  • Registered Nurses & Nurse Assistants
  • Travel Camp Assistant Director
  • Program Specialists:
    • Aquatics Specialist
    • Arts & Crafts Specialist
    • Sports & Games Specialist
    • Dance & Drama Specialist
    • Music Specialist

Learn more and apply here:

Employment Opportunity: Roughing It Day Camp

Roughing It Day Camp has job positions available for this summer.  This is a great way for recreation, education, psychology, and childhood development majors to gain experience as a counselor while spending time outdoors, connecting, and having fun with friends. Here’s some information you can share with students and put out to your school community.

Camp Counselor Jobs: Roughing It Day Camp is hiring! This is a great job opportunity for students looking to learn valuable leadership and teamwork skills that employers and graduate schools value. Camp counselors and assistant camp counselors spend the day with the same group of campers and are responsible for planning/leading group activities as well as supervising campers. Please share and learn more about Roughing It's Summer Positions.

More About Roughing It Day Camp: Since 1972, Roughing It Day Camp has provided kids and young adults opportunities to be outdoors at the Lafayette Reservoir, connecting to nature, and having fun with friends. For 50 years we’ve helped kids be happy, healthy, and learn the skills to thrive in life while making memories that last a lifetime. Learn more about Roughing It’s Camp Programs.

Employment Opportunity: Behavioral Therapist


  • Bachelor’s degree (or current enrollment) in Psychology, Education, or a related field.
  • Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) certification preferred but not required (higher compensation available for RBT-certified applicants).
  • Experience working with individuals with disabilities is a plus.
  • Strong understanding of ABA principles is beneficial.
  • Compassionate, patient, and dedicated to making a positive impact.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills.


  • Competitive starting wage, plus compensation for drive time and mileage between clients.
  • Higher pay for those with RBT certification.
  • Flexible scheduling for full-time or part-time positions.
  • Paid training, including RBT certification opportunities.
  • Health stipend (for qualifying employees).
  • 401(k) plan with company matching (for qualifying employees).
  • Professional growth and development opportunities.


  • Provide one-on-one ABA therapy in home or clinic settings.
  • Implement behavior support plans under BCBA supervision.
  • Collect and report accurate behavioral data.
  • Assist in developing individualized goals and strategies.
  • Communicate regularly with supervisors, families, and caregivers.
  • Maintain a positive, supportive, and professional relationship with learners and their families.
  • Uphold PRAISE’s ethical and professional standards.

For more details, visit

Interested applicants can reach out for a full job description, position availability, and application at

Childcare Jobs

Looking for paid experiences working with children? Be sure to join the Poly Child Development Club Jobs Facebook group

The PSY&CD department does not advertise family care opportunities in the Tuesday Newsday; see the "Poly Child Development Club Jobs Page" at You will have to request to be added to the group and then, once approved, you will be able to post.

Special Education Teaching Assistant Opportunity

UCSF Assistant Clinical Research Coordinator Position

The HALP (Hyperactivity, Attention, and Learning Problems) program at UCSF is hiring an assistant clinical research coordinator to help coordinate federally funded research studies on school-based behavioral interventions for children with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). This position provides a unique opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary, cross-university collaboration with diverse community partners, contribute to innovative research on evidence-based interventions for children with ADHD, and contribute to the development of digital health tools. Current projects examine the use of team-effectiveness research and digital health technology to support school-based intervention implementation. This position may be of particular interest to candidates interested in ADHD, school-based interventions, child mental health, or implementation science and who are looking for ways to prepare for graduate school. The candidate will receive mentorship from the program director (Dr. Linda Pfiffner), program faculty, and post-doctoral fellows. Projects are being conducted in collaboration with Dr. Miguel Villodas (San Diego State University) and multiple school districts in Northern and Southern California.

A two-year commitment is preferred and the position will start as soon as position is filled.

For more information on our lab’s research, see here:

Apply here:

Enter the following job code in the search bar: 82346BR

If you have any questions about the position, please contact Jazzy Benes at

Full-Time Preschool Teacher Job Posting 

Now Hiring: Full-Time Preschool Teacher

Are you passionate about early childhood education? Do you love working with young children, including those with special needs? If you bring creativity, patience, and enthusiasm to your work, we want YOU to join our team!

Position: Full-Time Lead Preschool Teacher

Location: Little Wings Preschool

Start Date: ASAP

Competitive Pay & Benefits

We are an inclusive school dedicated to providing a nurturing and supportive environment for all children, including those with special needs. As a Preschool Teacher, you will play a vital role in creating an enriching, engaging, and respectful classroom where all children can thrive.

What We’re Looking For:

A compassionate, fun, and patient individual who enjoys working with children of all abilities

Strong understanding of special needs and inclusive practices (experience in this area is a plus)

A teacher who fosters social, emotional, and academic development through play-based learning

Excellent communication skills to collaborate effectively with families, specialists, and your teaching team

A team player who is committed to creating a positive classroom culture

Availability to start ASAP


At least 12 units in Early Childhood Education or related field and/or a Bachelor's degree in a related field

Experience or training in special education or working with children with disabilities is a plus

Ability to adapt teaching methods to meet the individual needs of children

Strong classroom management skills with a focus on inclusion, respect, and empathy

We Offer:

  • Competitive pay
  • Supportive, inclusive work environment
  • Ongoing professional development opportunities
  • Access to resources and specialists for working with children with special needs
  • A team-oriented approach with collaborative teaching
  • Quarterly Team outings and events 

At Little Wings, we believe in the power of inclusion and strive to create a community where every child feels valued, respected, and supported. If you’re passionate about making a difference and working in a dynamic, inclusive classroom, we’d love to hear from you!

Please email Dani Burg at for more information. 

Apply today and become part of our incredible team! We can’t wait to meet you!

Graduate Program - Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

The Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences program at the University of Connecticut will be offering a Pre-Masters in Speech Language Pathology summer program for the Summer 2025 term. 

Graduate Program - Applied Psychology at NYU

The Psychology and Social Intervention (PSI) doctoral program in the Department of Applied Psychology at New York University (NYU) Steinhardt has ten faculty members who study a wide range of settings (e.g., families, schools, neighborhoods, policy contexts, programs) and interventions pertaining to child and youth development, inclusive education, mental health, intergroup relations, racial socialization, critical consciousness, social movements, suicide prevention, and poverty reduction. Current projects span local, national, and international contexts. We encourage you to visit our website to learn more about our current projects. 

We offer a wide variety of teaching, research, and practical opportunities for students throughout their doctoral training. We provide students with funding for all five years of the program, as well as multiple opportunities for scholarships, awards, and teaching or research assistantships.

We encourage students who are interested in careers in academia, policy, nonprofits, industry, and beyond. We are actively working to recruit students with a variety of lived experiences.

CAL Fresh: You may be eligible!

We are an on-campus organization known as CalFresh Outreach. We aim to raise awareness of student eligibility for CalFresh benefits, which can provide students with up to $291/month for groceries if they qualify. 

Because of expanded eligibility through “Local Programs that Increase Employability (LPIEs),” an estimated ~15,000 students at Cal Poly are now eligible, even based only on their major. Approved programs include:

  • most undergraduate majors in CLA
  • every undergraduate major in CENG
  • every undergraduate major in CAFES
  • every undergraduate major in COSAM
  • every undergraduate major in CAED
  • most undergraduate majors in OCOB
  • many grad programs

Enrollment in one of these majors alone could make a student likely eligible for CalFresh benefits (they must also meet basic eligibility criteria). This short survey is a great resource to explore eligibility & share with students:


How can I learn more about senior project?

We have updated information about Senior Projects on the department website.

  • PSY/CD 461 is a seminar-style class where you attend class and work with a team to identify an area of interest and conduct a literature review on that topic. Registration for this is through the usual process.
  • PSY/CD 462 is a supervision-mode class where your team gets matched with a faculty advisor who guides you in developing and conducting a project related to your literature review from PSY/CD 461. The final deliverable includes a written paper that usually consists of sections typical to APA articles (Abstract, Literature Review, Method, Results, Discussion, References).Registration for this is by permission number given out during PSY/CD 461.

Planning your schedule for the year?

We have updated the Tentative Course Offerings link to reflect the courses we are offering this academic year. REMEMBER, however, things can change so check back often.



Schedule an Appointment - Current Students | School of Education

What Kind of Advising is Available?

I have a question related to GE requirements...

The advisors in The College of Liberal Arts Advising Center can answer your questions about General Education (GE) requirements, registration, academic planning, support services, major changes, and academic policies and procedures.Additional useful academic resources can be found on Cal Poly's Enrolled Students web page, including links to the Cal Poly catalog, registration information, academic records and evaluations, finals schedules, etc. Website:

In-Person & Zoom Appointments: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm (Closed for lunch from 12:00 – 1:00 pm)

Zoom Drop-in Advising: Monday – Friday, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm & 2:00 pm – 4:00pm

I have a question related to major and/or minor requirements in Psychology, Child Development, or Gerontology...

The Psychology and Child Development Department has several faculty members who serve as academic advisors for our majors and minors. Students are invited to attend office hours or make appointments with any of these advisors. For advisor contact information and office hours, click here.


Check out this FAQ and let us know if you have any additional questions:

For 2023-24, the Academic Advisors are:

Advisor Advising Area

Dr. Carrie Langner

Department Chair


Psychology Major 

Child Development Major

Child Development Minor

Gerontology Minor


Dr. Jessica Kaczorowski

(Associate Chair & Internship Coordinator)

Child Development Major 


I have a question about graduate school and/or careers...

All active faculty in the Psychology and Child Development Department hold weekly office hours to support students in talking about educational and career plans. For advisor contact information and office hours, click here.

PSY/CD Advising Structure

The main roles of each of our advisors is outlined below, however our motto is: When in Doubt, Seek Someone Out!  You are welcome to contact any faculty member for support and they will direct you to the most appropriate person depending on your needs.  Click here PSY/CD Advising to read about the new PSY/CD process for helping you!

How Can I Sign Up for an Appointment?

Office hours are posted on the PSY/CD Website (or use QR code below). Unless indicated, office hours are opportunities to drop-in with advising questions, career/graduate school questions, or just to introduce yourself and chat.


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