Tuesday Newsday: November 1, 2022
PSY/CD Department Phone/Email
Phone: (805) 756-2033
Email: psycd@calpoly.edu
- Read Tuesday Newsday every week.
- Follow the PSYCD Department on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
- Get involved in the Poly Child Development Club, the Psychology Club and Psi Chi (the National Honors Society for Psychology).
- Get advising. Scroll to the bottom of Tuesday Newsday for information about advising appointments and faculty office hours.
- Shout Outs
- Alumni Spotlight
- Department News
- Club Events
- Campus Opportunities
- Off-Campus Opportunities
- Job Opportunities
- Office Hours and Advising Opportunities
Shout out to the 2022-23 Student Advisory Committee. The following students have agreed to serve as YOUR representatives, bringing your comments and concerns to the department.
Click here to read more about this year's committee members: https://psycd.calpoly.edu/students/advisory-committee
Have an idea for a future Shout Out? Email the PSY/CD Department and let us know who is doing something worthy of our attention! psycd@calpoly.edu
Winter 2023 Registration Opens THIS WEEK!
Students should now have access to Schedule Builder to look at Winter 2023 courses and schedules. PSY/CD has a few classes with atypical enrollment processes.
CD 302 Developmental Science Technology Lab (limited to 20 students): This course is open to CD students with senior standing who have anticipated graduation dates of Winter 2023, Spring 2023 or Summer 2023. Celia Magee (cemagee@calpoly.edu) will provide permission numbers to eligible students, please request a permission number in advance of your registration appointment so that you can use your # to enroll during the 1st Round window if space permits.
Fieldwork Internships: Students anticipating doing a fieldwork internship should already be underway in this process (see below). Class codes to enroll in internships will be provided in Week 9. Use this first round of registration to enroll in your other courses.
Fieldwork Internships for Winter 2023
Reminder: For senior students planning to graduate in Winter, Spring or Summer 2023 -- you should have received an email inviting you to join the PSY/CD Field Internship Orientation on Canvas—please accept the invitation if you have not yet done so. This Orientation introduces students to the current list of fieldwork sites and describes the process for securing field internship placements and enrolling in PSY/CD 453 or 454 for Winter 2023.
Note: Even if you plan to continue at the same field site for PSY or CD 454 next quarter, you need to take part in this Orientation and complete the Interest Survey to secure your placement.
If you are eligible and have not received this invitation, please email Celia Magee at cemagee@calpoly.edu.
Research Internships for Winter 2023
Senior PSY/CD students who are planning to graduate in Winter, Spring, or Summer 2023 may find opportunities to work within faculty research labs as a research intern. These positions are limited. Arranging a research internship is initiated by the student. Interested students will need to talk to individual faculty members about availability of research intern positions. A listing of current research interests can be found on the department website (Faculty Research Interests).
Research internships can count as one or both of the required internship experiences (CD/PSY 448 or CD/PSY 449). To enroll in a research internship, students must have completed Research Methods (PSY 329 or CD 329) and, possibly, Quantitative Research Methods (PSY 333) depending on the research internship supervisor.
Apply for a 2022-23 PSY/CD Student Travel Award
The Psychology & Child Development Department has approved the use of limited discretionary funds during the 2022-23 academic year for reimbursement of student expenses related to presenting at a conference (in person or virtual). This award is also available to graduate students attending workshops or other professional development opportunities
Any Psychology or Child Development major, or Psychology graduate student, who spends personal funds towards such an activity may apply for a PSY/CD Student Award. Students may apply for one conference/workshop reimbursement per academic year. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis through June 1, 2023.
Please follow these steps at least 2 weeks before the event (if possible).
- STEP 1: Fill out the Student Award Application as soon as you know you will be requesting financial support to present at a conference or attending a workshop. You can request the application form from Celia Magee cemagee@calpoly.edu
- STEP 2: If award application is approved, student will be emailed a Travel Request Form. Student are asked to submit this form at least 10 days prior to the conference.
- STEP 3: Following the conference, preapproved students must send the following information to Christi Brizzolara (cbrizzol@calpoly.edu).
- Registration fee receipt
- Description of your experience at the conference/workshop, and a reflection on how attendance contributed to your professional growth (1-2 pages)
- If a conference, evidence of your authorship role, such as an acceptance letter or copy of the conference program that includes your name and the title of your presentation.
Participate in the Pandemic Reality Advocacy Network Survey
or check club Instagram pages because that is where the action is!
TODAY: Nov. 1st 6-7:30 PM
- Yakʔitʸutʸu Community Center (172H-144)
- Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeX2agr0-ReBimfO4CMibVroWtRrwLAQF_k0XL6Is6dsm3HbQ/viewform
State of Indigeneity 2022 (11/3, 5 - 6:30 in Chumash Auditorium)
Today marks the start of Native American Heritage Month! The State of Indigeneity will take place on Thursday, 11/3 in Chumash auditorium from 5-6:30 pm. We hope to see you there for what will surely be a very important and heartfelt discussion from members of our campus community. Follow calpolynaicc on Instagram to learn more about the various events this month!
Visiting Speaker: Seana Valentine Shiffrin (11/4)
Baker-Koob Student Research Grants (Due 11/15)
The Warren J. Baker Endowment for Excellence in Project-Based Learning and the Robert D. Koob Endowment for Student Success support hands-on, project-based learning opportunities for individual students and groups at Cal Poly. Open to all majors and programs. Undergraduate/graduate student applications for funding in Winter/Spring 2023 are due T 11/15/22 at 5pm CA time.
Awards range from $1,000 to $5,000.
Funds may be used for, but are not limited to, student support, student and faculty travel, student and faculty expenses associated with participation in student research, group projects, conferences, competitions, and equipment and materials related to student research.
More information at https://provost.calpoly.edu/endowments
CLA students who are applying (and their faculty/staff supporters) are invited to drop-in to workshop their applications on W 11/8 from 12:30-1pm via zoom, Meeting ID: 883 6250 1116.
Folks may also utilize the opportunities below to meet with me to discuss this opportunity:
Schedule a 15-minute meeting with Dr. Lehr at https://calendly.com/janelehr/15minDr. Lehr’s up-to-date drop-in office hour schedule: https://tinyurl.com/Lehr-Fall2022For office hours via zoom – join, Meeting ID: 945 5392 5396, Passcode: 736298
Pre-health Advising Personal Statement Virtual Workshop (11/16, 12-1:30 PM)
- Register: https://calendly.com/pre-health-workshops/health-careers-personal-statement-workshop?month=2022-11
Distinguished Teaching Award Nominations (Due 11/24)
The Distinguished Teaching Award recognizes faculty members who demonstrate excellence in teaching at Cal Poly. Only students and alumni, those who have been influenced most by faculty, are eligible to submit nominations. As a result, faculty are encouraged to notify their classes and direct them to the nomination form on the Distinguished Teaching Award webpage. The last day to nominate a faculty member for the 2022-23 honor is Thursday, Nov. 24 — Thanksgiving Day. For more information, contact the Academic Senate Office at academic-senate@calpoly.edu.
Interested in the film and media industry? Entertainment and TV? If so, join the Cal Poly Women in Film and Television Club!!! Here, we cultivate a supportive and engaging environment surrounding the fields of media arts. Grow connections with industry professionals, meet other students of the same interests and learn the basics of TV and Film all while building an awesome resume. Email calpolywift@gmail.com and we will send information your way. See you soon, WIFTies! |
Sacramento State MA in Psychology Info Session (11/15)

Please check Tuesday Newsday archives for past info on opportunities.
These are our most recent job postings. For previously posted opportunities, see here or use the Tuesday Newsday archives at the bottom of this page.
Looking for paid experiences working with children? Be sure to join the Poly Child Development Club Jobs Facebook group! I know - Facebook! So old school BUT THERE ARE OPPORTUNITES! :)
Volunteer/Community Service Opportunities
What Kind of Advising is Available?
I have a question related to GE requirements...
The advisors in The College of Liberal Arts Advising Center can answer your questions about General Education (GE) requirements, registration, academic planning, support services, major changes, and academic policies and procedures.Additional useful academic resources can be found on Cal Poly's Enrolled Students web page, including links to the Cal Poly catalog, registration information, academic records and evaluations, finals schedules, etc. Website: https://cla.calpoly.edu/student-resources
In-Person & Zoom Appointments: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm (Closed for lunch from 12:00 – 1:00 pm)
Zoom Drop-in Advising: Monday – Friday, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm & 2:00 pm – 4:00pm
I have a question related to major and/or minor requirements in Psychology, Child Development, or Gerontology...
The Psychology and Child Development Department has several faculty members who serve as academic advisors for our majors and minors. Students are invited to attend office hours or make appointments with any of these advisors. For advisor contact information and office hours, click here.
For 2022-23, the Academic Advisors are:
Advisor | Advising Area |
Dr. Jennifer Jipson Department Chair |
Change-of-Major Psychology Major Child Development Major Psychology Minor Child Development Minor Gerontology Minor
Dr. Denise Daniels (Associate Chair)
Child Development Major Child Development Minor Interim Internship Coordinator
Dr. Taylor Smith (Associate Chair) |
Psychology Major Psychology Minor |
I have a question about graduate school and/or careers...
All active faculty in the Psychology and Child Development Department hold weekly office hours to support students in talking about educational and career plans. For advisor contact information and office hours, click here.
Career Paths & Faculty Advisors
PSY/CD Advising Structure
The main roles of each of our advisors is outlined below, however our motto is: When in Doubt, Seek Someone Out! You are welcome to contact any faculty member for support and they will direct you to the most appropriate person depending on your needs. Click here PSY/CD Advising to read about the new PSY/CD process for helping you!
How Can I Sign Up for an Appointment?
Office hours are posted on the PSY/CD Website (or use QR code below). Unless indicated, office hours are opportunities to drop-in with advising questions, career/graduate school questions, or just to introduce yourself and chat.
The June edition of Tuesday Newsday 2021-22 is available here Tuesday Newsday: June 7, 2022. From there, you can browse archives from last year's editions.