Psychology and Child Development

College of Liberal Arts

Tuesday Newsday: November 29, 2022

PSY/CD Department Phone/Email

Phone: (805) 756-2033


  1. Read Tuesday Newsday every week.
  2. Follow the PSYCD Department on FacebookInstagram and LinkedIn
  3. Get involved in the Poly Child Development Club, the Psychology Club and Psi Chi (the National Honors Society for Psychology). 
  4. Get advising. Scroll to the bottom of Tuesday Newsday for information about advising appointments and faculty office hours. 



Take a Study Break PSY/CD Peers and Faculty!

The following courses still have space available for winter...


******Just Added: PSY 324: Psychology of Gender M/W 4-6*******

  • CD 302 Developmental Science Technology Lab* (T/R 4- 7 p.m.)

             *Contact for a permission code to add this course

  • CD 304 Infant and Toddler Development (T/R 9-11 a.m.)
  • CD 329 Research Methods (M/W 12-2 p.m.)
  • CD 424 Children's Development in Diverse Cultures (T/R 12-2 p.m.)
  • PSY 329: Research Methods (M/W 6-8 p.m.)
  • PSY 370 Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology (T/TR 9-11 a.m.)
  • PSY 405 Abnormal Psychology (M/W 4-6 p.m.)
  • PSY 480 Cognitive Neuroscience (M/W 12-2 p.m.)


Course Evaluations Open Now!

Find your course evaluations on your main MyPortal page, under your current enrollments. 

Research Opportunity

Dr. Bennion and Dr. Antony looking for a research assistant for winter and spring terms. This paid opportunity would require 20 hours/week and involves working on a variety of projects related to memory. Please see this link for more information and to apply:

Apply for a 2022-23 PSY/CD Student Travel Award

The Psychology & Child Development Department has approved the use of limited discretionary funds during the 2022-23 academic year for reimbursement of student expenses related to presenting at a conference (in person or virtual).  This award is also available to graduate students attending workshops or other professional development opportunities

Any Psychology or Child Development major, or Psychology graduate student, who spends personal funds towards such an activity may apply for a PSY/CD Student  Award. Students may apply for one conference/workshop reimbursement per academic year. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis through June 1, 2023.

Please follow these steps at least 2 weeks before the event (if possible).

  • STEP 1: Fill out the Student Award Application as soon as you know you will be requesting financial support to present at a conference or attending a workshop. You can request the application form from Celia Magee
  • STEP 2: If award application is approved, student will be emailed a Travel Request Form. Student are asked to submit this form at least 10 days prior to the conference.
  • STEP 3: Following the conference, preapproved students must send the following information to Christi Brizzolara (
    • Registration fee receipt
    • Description of your experience at the conference/workshop, and a reflection on how  attendance contributed to your professional growth (1-2 pages)
    • If a conference, evidence of your authorship role, such as an acceptance letter or copy of the conference program that includes your name and the title of your presentation.


Participate in the Pandemic Reality Advocacy Network Survey

Please participate in a Cal Poly student-faculty Psychology research project examining experiences during the pandemic! All Cal Poly community members’ (students, staff, and faculty) are welcome to participate. The purpose of the study is to investigate perceptions and knowledge of COVID-19. There are no anticipated risks for participants. The anonymous online survey takes approximately 5-8 minutes to complete and can be found at:

Your participation will help identify informational needs on campus and design future resources.


Our clubs are amazing! Please follow their social media to learn about upcoming events. As the department learns more, we'll add information here.


New Music Courses being offered Winter Quarter

The 2023 CSU Research Competition is now open!

The CSU Student Research Competition is held each spring to promote excellence in undergraduate and graduate scholarly research and creative activity by recognizing outstanding student accomplishments across the 23 CSU campuses.

The competition is open to all disciplines and to current undergraduate and graduate students and 2022 alums. Cash prizes are awarded.

Submissions are due Friday 1/20/23 at 11:59pm CA time. 

Learn more:

Stay up to date! Follow the Office of Student Research on Instagram @calpolystudentresearch.


TODAY: Teaching for Inclusivity & Equity Information Session

Information session on Tuesday, November 29th from 4:30-5:30pm for applicants interested in applying to Cal Poly School of Education's Teaching for Inclusivity & Equity Residency (TIER) Partnership for Fall 2023! The TIER partnership supports future bilingual and special education teachers to serve in local school districts!

Register for the Info Session HERE.

For more information about the TIER partnership, visit our website  or email the applicable contact below:

Research Integrity through a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Lens Certificate Program

As part of efforts to re-focus Cal Poly's research integrity and compliance programs to emphasize how policy and procedures related to integrity have been put in place to address issues of inequitable research practices, Research Integrity and Compliance is going to be offering a certificate program for students in Winter and Summer quarters. The certificate program will be a hybrid program involving some minimal readings, videos, and cross disciplinary interactions between students as they discuss their projects and equity and diversity within their research and would meet bi-weekly.  This first year will also be offering participation stipends to students of at least $150.

If you are interested, please fill out this form so we can directly contact interested folks.




Western Psychological Association Annual Conference

Happy Tuesday PSY/CD students and faculty! My name is Hector and I work as the liaison between the Western Psychological Association and our department on campus. My goal is to promote and support participation in WPA, like the annual conference, which will be held in Riverside, CA this year. This conference is a great opportunity for students to present the research projects they’ve been working on, view posters/talks from others in the field, and connect with psychology students and professors from around the country. Presenting a poster is NOT required for you to attend the conference!! If you do wish to present, however, you must submit your abstract by Dec 2nd at In addition, the department provides the opportunity to receive partial funding for this experience! If you have any questions about WPA, submitting your abstract proposal or psychology research in general feel free to email me 

Sacramento State Capital Fellow Program: Apply by 2/6

Apply here!

AmeriCorps 6 Month Fellowships: Apply by 1/13

Cal Poly now has 4-6 openings for 6-month Fellowships from Feb 2023 to July 2023. (This often opens the door for the potential to continue for a full year term.)

Further details are available at, along with information on how to apply. Deadline to apply is January 13th

Fellows in these positions build volunteer capacity at nonprofits and government entities, and receive $2000 monthly living stipend. Current partner sites include SLCUSD, Bike SLO County, and Ecologistics, and may also include Cal Poly Food Pantry and Cal Poly College Corps Team. Apply here!

Please check Tuesday Newsday archives for past info on opportunities.


These are our most recent job postings. For previously posted opportunities, see here or use the Tuesday Newsday archives at the bottom of this page.

Assistant Clinical Research Coordinator: Stanford Autism and Development Disorders Research Program

Stanford University’s Autism and Developmental Disorders Research Program is seeking a new Assistant Clinical Research Coordinator to perform administrative support duties related to collecting and analyzing clinical data from children and adolescents with and without neurodevelopmental disorders. In particular, this position will involve the coordination of clinical trials that utilize non-invasive neuroimaging measures like MRI and EEG to develop biomarkers for precision psychiatry. This position coordinates all aspects of our clinical research, including recruitment, accurate data management and entry, collection of blood or saliva samples, collection and analysis of MRI and EEG data, and work with regulatory agencies, including the IRB and FDA. Previous experience obtaining MRI or EEG scans, coding to process complex neuroimaging data, coordinating medication or other clinical trials, and working with children with autism spectrum disorder is highly desirable. This position requires working some evening, night, and/or weekend shifts in order to obtain MRI and EEG scans from research participants after school or while they are sleeping. To learn more or apply, visit:

Looking for paid experiences working with children? Be sure to join the Poly Child Development Club Jobs Facebook group! I know - Facebook! So old school BUT THERE ARE OPPORTUNITES! :)




Schedule an Appointment - Current Students | School of Education

What Kind of Advising is Available?

I have a question related to GE requirements...

The advisors in The College of Liberal Arts Advising Center can answer your questions about General Education (GE) requirements, registration, academic planning, support services, major changes, and academic policies and procedures.Additional useful academic resources can be found on Cal Poly's Enrolled Students web page, including links to the Cal Poly catalog, registration information, academic records and evaluations, finals schedules, etc. Website:

In-Person & Zoom Appointments: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm (Closed for lunch from 12:00 – 1:00 pm)

Zoom Drop-in Advising: Monday – Friday, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm & 2:00 pm – 4:00pm

I have a question related to major and/or minor requirements in Psychology, Child Development, or Gerontology...

The Psychology and Child Development Department has several faculty members who serve as academic advisors for our majors and minors. Students are invited to attend office hours or make appointments with any of these advisors. For advisor contact information and office hours, click here.

For 2022-23, the Academic Advisors are:

Advisor Advising Area

Dr. Jennifer Jipson

Department Chair


Psychology Major 

Child Development Major

Psychology Minor

Child Development Minor

Gerontology Minor


Dr. Denise Daniels

(Associate Chair)


Child Development Major

Child Development Minor

Interim Internship Coordinator


Dr. Taylor Smith

(Associate Chair)

Psychology Major 

Psychology Minor

I have a question about graduate school and/or careers...

All active faculty in the Psychology and Child Development Department hold weekly office hours to support students in talking about educational and career plans. For advisor contact information and office hours, click here.

Career Paths & Faculty Advisors

PSY/CD Advising Structure

The main roles of each of our advisors is outlined below, however our motto is: When in Doubt, Seek Someone Out!  You are welcome to contact any faculty member for support and they will direct you to the most appropriate person depending on your needs.  Click here PSY/CD Advising to read about the new PSY/CD process for helping you!

How Can I Sign Up for an Appointment?

Office hours are posted on the PSY/CD Website (or use QR code below). Unless indicated, office hours are opportunities to drop-in with advising questions, career/graduate school questions, or just to introduce yourself and chat.



November 15, 2022

November 8, 2022

November 1, 2022

October 25, 2022

October 18, 2022

October 11, 2022

October 4, 2022

September 27, 2022

September 20, 2022

The June edition of Tuesday Newsday 2021-22 is available here Tuesday Newsday: June 7, 2022.  From there, you can browse archives from last year's editions.

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