Tuesday Newsday: Feb 21, 2023
PSY/CD Department Phone/Email
Phone: (805) 756-2033
Email: psycd@calpoly.edu
- Read Tuesday Newsday every week.
- Follow the PSYCD Department on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
- Get involved in the Poly Child Development Club, the Psychology Club and Psi Chi (the National Honors Society for Psychology).
- Get advising. Scroll to the bottom of Tuesday Newsday for information about advising appointments and faculty office hours.
- Department News
- Club Events
- Campus Events and Resources
- Off-Campus Opportunities (including jobs!)
- Office Hours and Advising Opportunities
Spring Registration Is On!

The Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award recognizes a faculty member who has had a positive influence on students through academic advising. The award recipient will receive a $2,000 cash stipend and will be recognized by the President at Fall Conference. One faculty member is recognized annually.
Guidelines for submitting a nomination:
- The deadline for submitting nominations is March 6, 5 p.m.
- Faculty, staff, and current students are eligible to nominate faculty for this award.
- At least one submission must come from a current student.
- No self-nominations will be accepted.
- Individual Submissions only. If more than one person would like to nominate a faculty member, each person must submit separate nominations.
- Submissions must include a statement of 300 words or less describing the nominee’s academic advising services, activities and interactions, as distinct from the nominee’s teaching responsibilities.
- Previous awardees are not eligible.
- Any questions can be directed to Shelly Wolf at scwolf@calpoly.edu
A reminder for all student planning to enroll in Fieldwork Internships (PSY 453 or 454, or CD 453 or 454) in Spring.....
Internships are arranged via the PSYCD Field Internship Orientation site on Canvas. If you are eligible for internship, you should have received an invitation and you should already be in the process of interviewing at sites. If you missed this and believe you should be considered for an internship in spring, please email Dr. Daniels (ddaniels@calpoly.edu) ASAP!
The Psychology & Child Development Department has approved the use of limited discretionary funds during the 2022-23 academic year for reimbursement of student expenses related to presenting at a conference (in person or virtual). This award is also available to graduate students attending workshops or other professional development opportunities
Any Psychology or Child Development major, or Psychology graduate student, who spends personal funds towards such an activity may apply for a PSY/CD Student Award. Students may apply for one conference/workshop reimbursement per academic year. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis through June 1, 2023.
Please follow these steps at least 2 weeks before the event (if possible).
- STEP 1: Fill out the Student Award Application as soon as you know you will be requesting financial support to present at a conference or attending a workshop. You can request the application form from Celia Magee cemagee@calpoly.edu or Beatriz Peralta bperal01@calpoly.edu
- STEP 2: If award application is approved, student will be emailed a Travel Request Form. Student are asked to submit this form at least 10 days prior to the conference.
- STEP 3: Following the conference, preapproved students must send the following information to Christi Brizzolara (cbrizzol@calpoly.edu).
- Registration fee receipt
- Description of your experience at the conference/workshop, and a reflection on how attendance contributed to your professional growth (1-2 pages)
- If a conference, evidence of your authorship role, such as an acceptance letter or copy of the conference program that includes your name and the title of your presentation.
Link to apply: https://forms.gle/WusZyHQ1HpFVZz538
Link to descriptions of open positions:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PlnjYPpYuHM6gu1zdjFw-MvkYU5Xj64o/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116996907366793483102&rtpof=true&sd=true

There IS Such a Thing as a Free Lunch/Dinner/Breakfast!
Did you know that most second-year and higher PSY and CD students are eligible to receive up to $281 a month to support buying groceries? This is because the PSY/CD program is considered an LPIE (Learning Program that Increases Employability) due to the fact that we require students to do internships! A clear win for Learn-By-Doing! You also have to meet income requirements but most students easily qualify. (First-year students are on a mealplan and so will not qualify until their second year).
It's free to apply and you get a pre-loaded card to use at local stores, or buy groceries online at Amazon or Walmart. It won’t affect your financial aid and you don’t need your parent's tax return information to apply. YOU can apply online with or without an appointment. Don't sleep on this - being a student is expensive, get help where you can!
Consider Taking These Courses Outside of the Department
BUS 204. Financial Literacy. 4 units
Term Typically Offered: F, W, SP
2020-21 or later catalog: GE Area B4
2019-20 or earlier catalog: GE Area B1
Introduction to personal finance. Budgeting, savings, employee benefits, retirement planning, taxes, insurance, and real estate. Course may be offered in classroom-based or online format. 4 lectures. Fulfills GE Area B4.
February is Black History Month: Check Out These Campus Events!
Wazo Connect
Human Resources Management Association
Global Medical Brigade Club
Follow-up Listening Session: Dexter Restrooms 2/23
On Tuesday, January 24th, 2023, a public listening session took place to hear concerns about the lack of gender-inclusive restrooms in Dexter Building. Participants agreed to move forward with removing select gendered signage from multi-stall restrooms and replacing it with fully inclusive signage in Dexter Building, room 136 & 139.
A follow-up listening session will be on Thursday, February 23, 2023, in Kennedy Library, room 209 at 11 am.
Zoom link: https://calpoly.zoom.us/j/83757206497?from=addon
You can share your experience using the restrooms in the Walter F. Dexter Building (either room 136 or 139) by taking a quick, anonymous survey
For questions or concerns, please reach out to Joy Pedersen, Dean of Students at deanofstudents@calpoly.edu
Apply for the Cal Poly in Viet Nam program!!
The Cal Poly International Center in collaboration with the College of Liberal Arts is pleased to offer a faculty-led Global Program to Viet Nam in Summer 2023
Cal Poly in Vietnam is a six-week program that will begin in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) and end in Hanoi, traveling through Viet Nam. Dr. Maggie Bodemer will lead the Cal Poly Global Program in Vietnam: History and Culture. Students will take two courses: HIST 319 Modern Southeast Asia (GE upper D), and WLC 310 Cultures of Viet Nam (GE C4), earning 8 units of academic credit. The program provides an immersion into history and culture in Viet Nam, with service learning and interactions with Vietnamese college students. Excursions include the Hue Imperial Citadel and the former DMZ.
Check out our Cal Poly in Viet Nam video and get excited about a quarter abroad!
Review our program website and application. Please note the deadline for application submission is March 1, 2023.
We will be holding info sessions through Jan and Feb. Please check the International Center's calendar here
Please contact Dr. Bodemer at mbodemer@calpoly.edu with any questions!
Alternative Summer Break Global Service Trip
Ryde for Rides
Ryde is a service for Cal Poly students that helps you travel more affordably and comfortably! If you’re driving home, Ryde can connect you with other Cal Poly students that will split your cost of gas. If you’re looking for a way home, Ryde can connect you with to students driving your way.
Here’s more information:
- About Us
- Cal Poly CIE – Summer Accelerator Spotlight
- Cal Poly CIE – Demo Day Pitch
- Mustang News - Ryde
Lumina Alliance's mission is to "empower those impacted by sexual and intimate partner violence through innovative advocacy, healing, and prevention programs." Lumina’s 65-hour crisis counselor training is coming up in March! It is a great opportunity to get professional development for psychology majors, and if students choose to volunteer on the crisis and information line for Lumina after completing the training, they gain direct counseling experience that is necessary for a lot of master’s programs.
Check out the program here: https://luminaalliance.org/volunteer-intern/
If you have any questions Matt Reed is one of the instructors for the course, his email is mreed@luminaalliance.org.
The field of UX is a very hot topic with lots of job prospects. And, this is a field where a Ph.D. is not required; an M.A. is sufficient to jump into this field at a challenging professional level. The UX program at Claremont is a 2-year program that focuses on three critical domains: cognitive psychology, user experience, and research methods & statistics. Undergraduate students often ask about career opportunities doing applied research. UX is one of them.
See link below for more information about our program. Because this is a relatively new program, we will be accepting late applications; however, applying sooner is preferable to be eligible for financial aid. Interested students should contact Kathy Pezdek (Kathy.Pezdek@cgu.edu).
Summer Internship: UC Berkeley Language and Cognitive Development Lab
The Language and Cognitive Development Lab at UC Berkeley, under the direction of Dr. Mahesh Srinivasan, is now accepting applications for our 2023 summer internship program. Highly motivated undergraduates, graduating seniors, and recent graduates are encouraged to apply. Our lab explores how linguistic, cognitive, and social abilities arise during human development and a central goal of our research is exploring how these different aspects of development interact with one another.
The 9-week internship will be from June 5th to August 4th, 2023. Interns will be expected to work onsite for 30 hours/week and although, we recommend applicants apply for outside funding, we will provide a stipend of $3375 to those who are not able to secure funding.
Interns will work closely with the lab manager, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and each other, and will meet with Professor Srinivasan to discuss their research. Interns will be involved in many facets of the research process, such as: assisting with data collection, running studies at local schools and museums, working on stimuli creation and preparation of study materials, reading relevant theoretical and empirical papers, recruiting participants, and processing or analyzing data. The goal of this program is to provide a comprehensive, hands-on research experience to students, while making valuable contributions to cognitive science.
Please refer to https://lcdlab.berkeley.edu/summer-internship/ for more information and application instructions. The application deadline is March 20th, 2023 at 9:00 AM PDT.
Please direct any questions to Emily Chau at lcdmanager@berkeley.edu.
Summer Internship: UT Dallas Baby Brain Lab
Dates: May 22 - July 28, 2023
- This internship is intended to provide intensive research opportunities for students who are underrepresented in science or students from institutions where research opportunities are not as widely available.
- The Baby Brain Lab conducts NIH-funded research studies on caregiver speech and infant brain development. We are interested in how parents and their infants communicate, and how this communication supports infant brain and cognitive development. Our studies include samples of typically developing infants and infants who have autistic older siblings. Our multimodal lab uses home language recordings, developmental assessments, eye tracking, and MRI brain scans to understand development.
- During the internships students will get hands-on experience conducting research and tailored professional development mentoring. They will attend lab meetings, have 1:1 meetings with Dr. Swanson, and contribute to small group projects. The goal of this program is to get talented students ready to apply to graduate school. The ideal candidate will be a sophomore or junior and be interested in applying to PhD programs in psychology or cognitive neuroscience. There will be no costs associated with this internship. Students will earn a $6,000 stipend by working 40 hours a week. Travel will be covered, as will room, board, and parking.
You can learn more about our lab at https://labs.utdallas.edu/babybrainlab/. Email babybrainlab@utdallas.edu with any questions. Applications are due March 5th, 2023. You can apply for the internship via this link.
Summer Internship: Development of Social Cognition Lab at University of California, Irvine
Dates: June 19 - August 25, 2023
- Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
- Be a full-time student
- Ability to make a full-time commitment (40 hours/week) during the internship period
- Proficiency in writing and communicating in English
- Comfort interacting with children 3-8 years of age, as well as parents
- Interest in cognitive development
- Attention to detail
- Basic computer skills
- Some background in psychology coursework
- Interest and passion for cognitive development, as well as for community outreach.
- Minimum 3.0 G.P.A. in Psychology classes.
- Previous experience working with children
a. your resume (including relevant coursework and previous research experience)b. cover letter (including a brief description of academic and research interests) c. unofficial transcript, and d. the name of 1 person (ideally, faculty that may be contacted for a reference)
NEBRASKA's Summer Research Program
We are currently accepting applications for the Nebraska Summer Research Program at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Our 10-week, intensive undergraduate research program offers students the opportunity to learn and conduct research in our state-of-the-art facilities while previewing graduate school life at a Big Ten institution. Most of our research experiences for undergraduates (REUs) are funded by the NSF, USDA, or NIFA. Students will enhance their academic resume, work closely with faculty and peers, and have fun with social and professional development activities, all while receiving numerous benefits.
Students historically underrepresented in graduate education are encouraged to apply; however, due to funding restrictions, participation is limited to U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents (those holding a green card).
Find the 2023 programs here. We are committed to quality mentoring and research projects and limit our summer offerings to active research labs and projects led by faculty who have established themselves as excellent undergraduate student mentors.
Students can apply for up to three different research groups. Priority review of applications begin Wednesday, February 1 and all applications are due by Wednesday, March 1. https://srp.unl.edu/Application
The Marcus Autism Center, in conjunction with the Emory University School of Medicine and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, is offering six fellowships, listed below.here.
Students who will receive a bachelor’s degree by June 2023 will be eligible for the positions. The fellowships will commence in July 2023, and they are 2 years in duration. Students can find further detailsThe Cohen Fellowship in Developmental Social Neuroscience will involve cutting-edge social neuroscience research in infants, toddlers, and adolescents. Fellows will work to further the understanding of autism through eye-tracking research, guiding a project from the point of data collection to publication of results.
The Simons Fellowship in Computational Neuroscience will involve integrating computational strategies with clinical research goals. Fellows will develop methods for the analysis of visual scanning and eye-tracking data, computational models of visual salience, and data visualization techniques, all with the aim of advancing the understanding of autism and efforts at early diagnosis.
The Education Sciences Fellowship will involve research in educational innovations in autism, from early child care through high school. Fellows will learn about classroom-based interventions to increase social emotional engagement and inclusion, gaining experiences with observational research methods, cutting-edge intervention research, and implementation science approaches.
The Sally Provence Fellowship in Clinical Research will select fellows for a two-year training in clinical assessment measures and research methodologies to better understand ASD and related disabilities.
The Roger Glass Fellowship in Implementation Science will select fellows for a two-year training in research focused on translating evidence-based treatments for autism into community settings, as well as the processes and partnerships that support these efforts.
The David Satcher Fellowship in Community Engagement will select fellows for an opportunity to spend two years engaged in training in community engaged participatory research methods as they relate to ASD.
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference
Happy Tuesday PSY/CD students and faculty! My name is Hector and I work as the liaison between the Western Psychological Association and our department on campus. My goal is to promote and support participation in WPA, like the annual conference, which will be held in Riverside, CA this year. This conference is a great opportunity for students to present the research projects they’ve been working on, view posters/talks from others in the field, and connect with psychology students and professors from around the country. Presenting a poster is NOT required for you to attend the conference!! In addition, the department provides the opportunity to receive partial funding for this experience! If you have any questions about WPA, submitting your abstract proposal or psychology research in general feel free to email me hfreyes@calpoly.edu
Please check Tuesday Newsday archives for past info on opportunities.
These are our most recent job postings. For previously posted opportunities, see here or use the Tuesday Newsday archives at the bottom of this page.
Family Care Network:
Rehabilitation Specialist
Social Worker/Therapist
Pay Scale $65,520.00 - $90,854.40: 40 hrs. - Full-Time/Exempt position in San Luis Obispo County.
- Provide case management and social work services, including: case assessment, treatment planning,progress reports and evaluations, scheduling of required appointments, parent support, training, maintaining regular case notes of client and agency activities and attending multi-disciplinary treatment team or similar meetings.
- Provide mental health services, including: assessment, child and family team meetings, individual, group and family therapy, rehabilitation, brokerage crisis intervention.
- Provide transitional living services including life skill assessment and skill development in critical life domains. May supervise In-home support or youth development staff.
- Must be able to work with clients with severe emotional needs in diverse settings, including family homes, residential care, juvenile justice facilities, schools, and other community settings.
Program Supervisor/Transitional Aged Youth Program
Pay Scale $$72,612.80 - $92,955.20: 40 hrs. - Full-Time/Exempt position in San Luis Obispo County.
- Program Supervisor shall be responsible for providing supervision and direction in case management, social work and therapeutic activities in their assigned program, including, but not limited to the following:
- Assigning caseload
- Conducting regularly scheduled staff meetings;
- Reviewing treatment plans, incident reports, case notes, required documentation and related MediCal procedures and requirements;
- Coordinating services with other FCNI programs.
- Ability to provide on-call 24/7 support as assigned.
- Ability to provide strong leadership within the organization and the community.
- May represent the agency or participate in whatever community meetings, workshops/seminars, public or private advisory boards, or professional organizations as best serves the agency, and as authorized by the COO/Director of Clinical Services.
- Provide counseling services, facilitation and coordination of multi-agency child and family team meeting and crisis interventions as assigned.
- Supervise staff in:
- Performance evaluations
- Corrective Action Plans
- Provide individual supervision as needed
- Facilitate group supervision meetings
- Provide BBS clinical supervision within scope of BBS guidelines (when eligible and assigned)
- Participate in the hiring and training of staff as assigned
San Francisco Giants Community Fund: Summer Job Openings
We are looking to hire 110 Junior Giants AmeriCorps Ambassadors (300-hour service term) and 5 Junior Giants AmeriCorps Ambassadors (675- hour service term) to serve on our team this summer and bring the Junior Giants program to life. Ambassadors are liaisons between the Giants Community Fund and our program participants and truly represent the San Francisco Giants in the community.
Junior Giants AmeriCorps Ambassador – 300-hour Service Term – Deadline to apply is April 10*
- 110 positions available
- $4,800 living stipend + $1,374 education award
- April 24 - August 31 | 25-35 hrs./week
- Job Description | Apply Here
Assistant Clinical Research Coordinator: Stanford Autism and Development Disorders Research Program
“Stanford University’s Autism and Developmental Disorders Research Program is seeking a new Assistant Clinical Research Coordinator to perform administrative support duties related to collecting and analyzing clinical data from children and adolescents with and without neurodevelopmental disorders. In particular, this position will involve the coordination of clinical trials that utilize non-invasive neuroimaging measures like MRI and EEG to develop biomarkers for precision psychiatry. This position coordinates all aspects of our clinical research, including recruitment, accurate data management and entry, collection of blood or saliva samples, collection and analysis of MRI and EEG data, and work with regulatory agencies, including the IRB and FDA. Previous experience obtaining MRI or EEG scans, coding to process complex neuroimaging data, coordinating medication or other clinical trials, and working with children with autism spectrum disorder is highly desirable. This position requires working some evening, night, and/or weekend shifts in order to obtain MRI and EEG scans from research participants after school or while they are sleeping. To learn more or apply, visit: https://careersearch.stanford.edu/jobs/assistant-clinical-research-coordinator-19493.
Looking for paid experiences working with children? Be sure to join the Poly Child Development Club Jobs Facebook group! I know - Facebook! So old school BUT THERE ARE OPPORTUNITIES! :)
What Kind of Advising is Available?
I have a question related to GE requirements...
The advisors in The College of Liberal Arts Advising Center can answer your questions about General Education (GE) requirements, registration, academic planning, support services, major changes, and academic policies and procedures.Additional useful academic resources can be found on Cal Poly's Enrolled Students web page, including links to the Cal Poly catalog, registration information, academic records and evaluations, finals schedules, etc. Website: https://cla.calpoly.edu/student-resources
In-Person & Zoom Appointments: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm (Closed for lunch from 12:00 – 1:00 pm)
Zoom Drop-in Advising: Monday – Friday, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm & 2:00 pm – 4:00pm
I have a question related to major and/or minor requirements in Psychology, Child Development, or Gerontology...
The Psychology and Child Development Department has several faculty members who serve as academic advisors for our majors and minors. Students are invited to attend office hours or make appointments with any of these advisors. For advisor contact information and office hours, click here.
For 2022-23, the Academic Advisors are:
Advisor | Advising Area |
Dr. Jennifer Jipson Department Chair |
Change-of-Major Psychology Major Child Development Major Psychology Minor Child Development Minor Gerontology Minor
Dr. Denise Daniels (Associate Chair)
Child Development Major Child Development Minor Interim Internship Coordinator
Dr. Taylor Smith (Associate Chair) |
Psychology Major Psychology Minor |
I have a question about graduate school and/or careers...
All active faculty in the Psychology and Child Development Department hold weekly office hours to support students in talking about educational and career plans. For advisor contact information and office hours, click here.
Career Paths & Faculty Advisors
PSY/CD Advising Structure
The main roles of each of our advisors is outlined below, however our motto is: When in Doubt, Seek Someone Out! You are welcome to contact any faculty member for support and they will direct you to the most appropriate person depending on your needs. Click here PSY/CD Advising to read about the new PSY/CD process for helping you!
How Can I Sign Up for an Appointment?
Office hours are posted on the PSY/CD Website (or use QR code below). Unless indicated, office hours are opportunities to drop-in with advising questions, career/graduate school questions, or just to introduce yourself and chat.
The June edition of Tuesday Newsday 2021-22 is available here Tuesday Newsday: June 7, 2022. From there, you can browse archives from last year's editions.