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Faculty Library 2017-18

PSYCD faculty in BOLD; * Denotes Cal Poly student author


Jay Bettergarcia
Jay Bettergarcia

Bettergarcia, J. N., & Israel, T. (2018). Therapist reactions to transgender identity exploration: Effects on the therapeutic relationship in an analogue study. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. doi: 10.1037/sgd0000288



Israel, T., Bettergarcia, J. N., Delucio, K., Avellar, T. R., Harkness, A., & Goodman, J.A. (2017). LGBTQ diversity training with law enforcement personnel: Receptiveness and resistance. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 28, 197-226.



Israel, T., & Bettergarcia, J. N. (2017). Evidence-based teaching of LGBTQ issues in psychology. In T. Burnes & J. L. Stanley (Eds.), Teaching LGBTQ psychology: Queering innovative pedagogy and Practice. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.



Shawn Burn
Shawn Burn

Burn, S. M. Women across cultures: A global perspective, 4th Edition (McGraw-Hill, 2018)



Burn, S. M. Presence of Mind: Blog. Psychology Today.



Cacciamani, L., & Likova, L. T. (in press). Transfer of learning in the blind: Enhancement of spatial-cognitive abilities through drawing. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness.



Laura Cacciamani
Laura Cacciamani

Cacciamani, L., & Goldstein, E.B. (in press). Chapter 13: Judgment, Decisions, and Reasoning. In Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience (5th Edition). Samford, CT: Cengage Learning.



Cacciamani, L., Wager, E., Peterson, M. A, & Scalf, P.E. (2017). Age-related changes in perirhinal cortex sensitivity to configuration and part familiarity and connectivity to visual cortex. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9(291), 1-15.



Aaron Estrada
Aaron Estrada

Estrada, A. R., & Smith, S. R.(2017). An exploration of Latina/o respondent scores on the Personality Assessment Inventory. Current Psychology. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s12144-017-9652-2.



Estrada, A. R. (in press). Interpersonal Context of Assessment. In S. R. Smith, & R. Krishnamurthy, (Eds.), Diversity-sensitive personality assessment. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.



Julie Garcia
Julie Garcia

Garcia, J. A., Sanchez, D.T., & Shih, M.J. (2017). Dialectics self views moderate how racial fluidity affects psychological well-being for multiracial people. In J. Spencer-Rodgers & K. Peng (Eds). The Psychological and Cultural Foundations of East Asian Cognitions. (pp. 465-487). Springer Publishers.



Jipson, J.L., Labotka, D., Callanan, M.A., & Gelman, S.A. (2018). How conversations with parents may help children learn to separate the sheep from the goats (and the robots). In Saylor, M. M. & Ganea, P. (Eds) Language and Concept Development from Infancy Through Childhood – Social Motivation, Cognition, and Linguistic Mechanisms of Learning. Springer International: New York, NY.


Jennifer Jipson
Jennifer Jipson




Jovanovic, J., & Williams, J. C. (2018). Gender, sexual agency, and friends with benefits relationships. Sexuality & Culture, 22, 555-576.



Jasna Jovanovic
Jasna Jovanovic

Langner, C. A., Greenlee, J. S., & Deason, G. (2017). Identity and activism in an era of politicized motherhood. Chapter in M. Thomas and A. Bittner (Eds.) Mothers and others: the impact of family life on politics. UBC Press.






Carrie Langer
Carrie Langer

Greenlee, J. S., Deason, G., & Langner, C. A. (2017). The impact of motherhood and maternal messages on political candidates. Chapter in A. L. Bos and M. C. Schneider (Eds.) The political psychology of women in U.S. politics.





Dan Levi
Dan Levi

del Rio, V., Levi, D. & Duarte, C. (2017) Perceived livability and sense of community: Learning for/from favela Mata Machado, Rio de Janerio, Brazil. Published in Cadernos Proarq, which is an architectural journal in Brazil. The article was published in both Portuguese and English.



Spencer-Rodgers, J., Anderson, E., Ma-Kellams, C., Wang, C., & Peng, K. (2018). What is dialectical thinking? Conceptualization and measurement. In J. Spencer-Rodgers & K. Peng (Eds.). [The psychological and cultural foundations of East Asian cognition: Contradiction, change, and holism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.]



Julie Spencer-Rodgers
Julie Spencer-Rodgers

Paletz, S.B., Bogue, K., Miron-Spektor, E., & Spencer-Rodgers, J. (2018). Dialectical thinking and creativity from many perspectives: Contradiction and tension. In J. Spencer-Rodgers & K. Peng (Eds.). [The psychological and cultural foundations of East Asian cognition: Contradiction, change, and holism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.]



Ma-Kellams, C., & Spencer-Rodgers, J., & Peng, K. (2018). The Yin and Yang of attitudes and related constructs: Dialectical and holistic Influences. In J. Spencer-Rodgers & K. Peng (Eds.). [The psychological and cultural foundations of East Asian cognition: Contradiction, change, and holism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.]



Amber Williams
Amber Williams

Chen, S. X., Spencer-Rodgers, J., & Peng, K. (2018). The dialectical self: Internal consistency, cross- situational consistency, and temporal stability of self-conception. In J. Spencer-Rodgers & K. Peng (Eds.). [The psychological and cultural foundations of East Asian cognition: Contradiction, change, and holism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.]



Barnes, S., Cade, S., Williams, A. D., Byrd, C., Carter, R., & Chavous, T. (2017). Promoting resilience among African American girls: Racial identity as a protective factor. Child Development. doi:10.1111/cdev.12995.


Conference Presentations

Kelly Bennion
Kelly Bennion

Bennion, K. A. (May 2018). Effects of sleep on memory for prioritized stimuli. Invited talk as part of the symposium, “Learning about learning and memory: Showcasing research from institutions that emphasize undergraduate scholarship,” at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.



Bennion, K. A., Garcia, S., & Kensinger, E. A. (2018). Effects of stress and sleep on memory for emotional scenes. Poster presented at the International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands.



Cohen, E.*, & Bennion, K. A. (2018). Effects of race and gender on perception of job applicants: Does campus diversity make a difference? Poster presented at the Annual UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference, Los Angeles, CA.



Conroy, A. L.*, & Bennion, K. A. (2018). The acquisition of a gender gap in emotional intelligence from childhood to adulthood. Poster presented at the Annual UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference, Los Angeles, CA.



Douds, K. M.*, & Bennion, K. A. (2018). Effects of race on judgments of blame in crime scenarios. Poster presented at the Annual UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference, Los Angeles, CA.



Jackson, J.*, & Bennion, K. A. (2018). Effects of prior criminal record and targeted age group on mock juror perceptions of school shooters. Poster presented at the Annual UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference, Los Angeles, CA.



Altman, S. R.*, Aung, A. W.*, Ausman, M. C.*, Chang, W. W.*, Wack, C.*, Antony, J. W., Patil, A., Bennion, K. A., & Duncan, K. (2018). Recent familiarity versus novelty transiently benefits associative memory. Poster presented at the Annual Western Psychology Conference for Undergraduate Research, Moraga, CA.



Cassidy, H. D.*, & Bennion, K. A. (2018). The effects of stress and personality on sleep paralysis. Poster presented at the Annual Western Psychology Conference for Undergraduate Research, Moraga, CA.



Bennion, K.A., Cheney, M. M.*, Jackson, J. R.*, Michaels, J. A., Ordanza, M. C.*, & Pivetti, A. J.* (2017). Effects of sleep on false memory for negative and neutral scenes. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, BC, Canada.



Flores, M., Bettergarcia, J. N., Harkness, A., Cheng, J., Crawford, K. (2017). Linking research with advocacy for LGBT communities: A discussion hour. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.




Israel, T., & Bettergarcia, J. N., (2017). Evidence-based teaching of LGBTQ issues in psychology. In T. Burnes & J. L. Stanley, Teaching LGBTQ Psychology: Queering Innovative Pedagogy and Practice. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.



Denise Daniels
Denise Daniels

Sheparovich, L., Gibbons, M., Perkins, A., Wack, C., Crowley, B., Carpenter, K., & Cacciamani, L. (2018, May). Task-irrelevant sound improves performance on non-visual spatial placement task. Presented at the Association for Psychological Science Convention, San Francisco, CA.



Daniels, D. (2017, March). Children’s views of motivational dispositions. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.


Jipson, J. L., Labotka, D., Gülgöz, S., Castañeda, C., Callanan, M.A. & Gelman, S.A. (2017). The role of parent-child conversation in young children’s developing understanding of animals. Poster presented at the Biannual Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Portland, OR.



Jipson, J. L., Callanan. M.A., Casteñada, C., Hamilton, V., Zumbro, C.* (2017). How everyday parent-child conversations support children’s interest in science learning. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, San Francisco, CA.



Jessica Kaczorowski
Jessica Kaczorowski

Jovanovic, J., & Prinstein, M. J. (2018). Considering the future of developmental science. Symposium presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, April 11-14.



Kaczorowski, J.A., Vargas, M., Thomas, L., Engle, J., Aung, A., Acosta, M., & Smith, T.F. Examination of a downward shift in cognitive functioning in Neurofibromatosis Type 1. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.



Linda Lee
Linda Lee

Meng, C. & Lee, L., (2018, April). The influences of English language proficiency and race/ethnicity on children’s social/emotional developmental trajectories. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.



Smith, T.F., *Vargas, M., *Thomas, L., *Engle, J., *Aung, A., Acosta, M.T.,Kaczorowski, J.A. Meta-analysis of Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) and cognitive and academic achievement outcomes. Presented at the 2017 Neurofibromatosis Conference, Washington, D.C.



Taylor Smith
Taylor Smith

*Thomas, L., *Vargas, M., *Engle, J., *Aung, A., Acosta, M.T., Kaczorowski, J.A., & Smith, T.F. Meta-analysis of internalizing outcomes and Neurofibromatosis 1. Presented at the 2017 Neurofibromatosis Conference, Washington, D.C.



Rogers, A.,* & Valencia-Laver, Debra L. (2018, April). Exploring knowledge and perceptions of Alzheimer’s Disease among college students. Poster presented at the 98th Annual Convention of the Western Psychological Association, Portland, OR.



Debra Valencia-Laver
Debra Valencia-Laver

Williams, A. (2017). Why and how to encourage cross-racial friendships in young children? An EmbraceRace Community Conversation and Q&A with Professor Amber Williams. Presented at EmbraceRace by Webinar.



Williams, A. & Bigler, R. (2017, October). Predictors of children’s willingness to engage in cross-race friendships. In Markson, L. (Chair), Environmental influences on children’s intergroup cognition. Presented at the Cognitive Development Society, Portland, OR.


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