Tuesday Newsday: April 5, 2022
- Read Tuesday Newsday every week.
- Follow the PSYCD Department on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
- Get involved in the Poly Child Development Club, the Psychology Club and Psi Chi (the National Honors Society for Psychology).
- Get advising. Scroll to the bottom of Tuesday Newsday for information about advising appointments and faculty office hours.
- Shout Outs
- Department News
- Department Opportunities
- Be a Helpee!
- Encanto: Intergenerational Trauma and Healing
- Scholarships $$$
- PSY Student Travel Award
- Senior Project Symposium
- Club Events
- Yoga with Dr. C Friday, April 8th!
- Botanical Garden Volunteer Opportunity Sunday, April 10th
- Apply for Club Board Positions for 2022-23!
- Campus Opportunities
- Off-Campus Opportunities
- Job Opportunities
- Office Hours and Advising Opportunities
Thank You to all of the Amazing Students who are hosting events at the first ever Open House PSY/CD X-Games!
What are the X-Games? A way to flex how great it is to be part of the Cal Poly Department of Psychology and Child Development. Let's give admitted students a reason to say "Yes" to the BEST!
When are the X-Games? Saturday 4/9th at Open House from 11-1 (26-103)
What events are planned so far?
Is it too late to join the fun?
- Nope! Join us! Email Dr. Jipson and we'll brainstorm ideas for a simple but fun Psychology or Child Development eXperiment that you can demo with prospective students. Or you could share your own coursework, research/internship experiences, or senior project (think informal science fair- we'll even provide the the trifold boards).
Registration Tips
- The Add/Drop deadline is Thursday, April 7th. If you need to drop after this, see here for more information.
- Check and Double Check: Correct enrollment is your responsibility. Check your class schedule before the Add/Drop deadline. Make sure you are enrolled in the correct courses and to drop any classes you don't intend on taking.
Helpees needed ASAP for PSY 323 classes!
All Psychology and Child Development majors take PSY 323, The Helping Relationship, where students learn to apply a problem management model, in a respectful, supportive way,to a volunteer "Helpee's" personal concern or goal. While this is NOT professional therapy or counseling, students who volunteer to be Helpees typically find the experience of this collaborative helping model to be useful in carving out time for reflection and change and often find the process to be supportive, helpful, and growth oriented.
To learn more about becoming a helpee, read more here, or watch this video. To sign up, complete this form. Questions? Email Dr. Aaron Estrada, PSY 323 Coordinator.
Intergenerational Trauma and Healing Convo
This conversation will discuss what is intergenerational trauma, what factors play a role in transference of it from one generation to the next, and what may help us heal from it. DRA. Lopez and DRA. Cruz will share clinical and research data about the intergenerational effects of traumatic experiences in various populations within a social justice psychological framework. It is an opportunity to discuss a topic that often is dismissed and avoided (yes, "we don't talk about Bruno"). Join us, all are welcome! RSVP here.
Senior Project Symposium, June 2nd from 11-1
Every spring we gather to hear about the work PSYCD seniors have been doing for their senior projects. Look for more details in next week's Tuesday Newsday, but for now -- Save the Date!
Scholarship Opportunities for 2022-23
The university’s Common Scholarship Application is linked from Apps in MyPortal and allows students to apply for all CP scholarships with just one application.
The Scholarship Office encourages students to apply by April 30 in order to maximize the opportunities available, although departments may have different deadlines. Students can apply all the way until Feb. 2023 but most scholarships will be awarded before then.
A sample of available scholarships...
Psychological Science Scholarship Endowment
The Psychological Science Scholarship Endowment supports upper division Psychology majors concentrating on psychology as an empirical science. Selected student must have a minimum 3.5 Cal Poly GPA with preference to students who attended a partner high school, are first generation and/or show demonstrated financial need.
Apply through the Common Scholarship Application and include: college courses and research internships that you have taken to prepare for a career as a scientist in the discipline of psychology, your career goals as they relate to psychology and psychological research, and unofficial college transcript.
Ralph R. Wilmar Women's Educational Opportunities Scholarship
The Ralph R. Wilmar Women’s Educational Opportunities Scholarship supports students who have a strong interest and/or active participation in promoting or enhancing women’s educational opportunities. Apply through the Common Scholarship Application.
Susan Currier Memorial Scholarship Endowment
The Susan Currier Memorial Scholarship Endowment scholarship supports students enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts with a minimum 3.0 Cal Poly GPA. Preference is given to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who have overcome adversity and/or who make a valuable current contribution to community service. The endowment was established in memory of Susan who worked at Cal Poly from 1980-2006. Apply through the Common Scholarship Application.
Cal Poly Civic Leader Scholarship
The Cal Poly Civic Leadership Scholarship is given to a Cal Poly student who has demonstrated a focus on community and giving back through service. There is a recommended 3.9 Cal Poly GPA. The donor, Mr. Samir Pathak, is a graduate of Cal Poly’s College of Engineering with a degree in Computer Engineering. He wishes to use this scholarship to support students, who are focused on community involvement and to encourage and reward those with an interest in giving back. Apply through the Common Scholarship Application.
Apply for a 2021-22 PSYCD Student Travel Award
The Psychology & Child Development Department has approved the use of limited discretionary funds during the 2021-22 academic year for reimbursement of student expenses related to presenting at a conference (in person or virtual). This award is also available to graduate students attending workshops or other professional development opportunities
Any Psychology or Child Development major, or Psychology graduate student, who spends personal funds towards such an activity may apply for a PSYCD Student Award. Students may apply for one conference/workshop reimbursement per academic year. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis through June 1, 2022.
Please follow these steps at least 2 weeks before the event (if possible).
- STEP 1: Fill out the Student Award Application as soon as you know you will be requesting financial support to present at a conference or attending a workshop. You can request the application form from Dr. Jipson (jjipson@calpoly.edu).
- STEP 2: If award application is approved, student will be emailed a Travel Request Form. Students are asked to submit this form at least 10 days prior to the conference.
- STEP 3: Following the conference, preapproved students must send the following information to Christi Brizzolara (cbrizzol@calpoly.edu).
- Registration fee receipt
- Description of your experience at the conference/workshop, and a reflection on how attendance contributed to your professional growth (1-2 pages)
- If a conference, evidence of your authorship role, such as an acceptance letter or copy of the conference program that includes your name and the title of your presentation.
Are you a Junior who likes to plan parties?
The PSYCD Department is planning a Graduation Reception for our 2022 Graduates. It will be held early evening on Friday, June 3rd. We are looking for JUNIORS to help plan this event to recognize seniors - so pay it forward and contact Dr. Jipson if you want to help with the event.
Psi Chi
For more information visit the Psy Chi website: https://sites.google.com/view/psichicalpolyslo/board/apply-here

Psychology Club
Hey all! Psych Club hopes your quarter has started off strong! We are starting back up with our weekly events and we want to see YOU at all of them! Come to our Welcome Event this Thursday (April 7th) from 11am-12pm in Baker room 101. Stop by for some games and snacks and for the chance to learn about becoming a part of the Psychology Club board. This is a fantastic way to get involved in the CLA and we are excited to see you all there!
Positions available this year include:
Social and DEI Chairs
Treasurer (and Professional Development Chair)
Event Coordinators
Media Liaison
You don’t have to be a psychology/child development major/minor! We are open to anyone. Our current media liaison came in as an architecture major;) Apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5wSO1lGa06VtJpUgNcfc-50VVsAwa83zXmJAvY0rRki3N1w/viewform
Poly Child Development Club
(no planned events this week)
Undocu-Issues Event
Undocu-Issues events are meant to bring awareness to pressing issues and topics that the immigrant community faces. We encourage all to come! Our theme for Undoc-Issues this quarter is Faces At The Border: Illuminating Communities And Their Barriers. Our next event will be held virtually on April 6th at 10 am (PST) and will highlight Unaccompanied Minors.
In 2021, The Department of Health and Human Services held an all time record of 122,000 unaccompanied minors in their custody. Out of 122,000, 80% have no attorney to represent them in their case. Unaccompanied minors are faced with language barriers and separation from their caregivers. Join the Dream Center as we discuss the legal process and challenges that these unaccompanied minors go through and how we can help. Vanessa Frank, will present information about what it means to be an unaccompanied minor, and the legal process of immigrating to the US as a minor. MICOP will present local resources and current programs for unaccompanied minors.
RSVP at: https://tinyurl.com/UnaccompaniedMinor
April is Sexual Assault Action Month, and Safer has events you won't want to miss!
WANT TO ATTEND IN PERSON? Please visit our Eventbrite page to register.
CAN'T ATTEND IN PERSON?: You may also register for a live Zoom meeting of this event, if you are unable to attend in-person. Please click here to register for virtual attendance.
HAVE A QUESTION FOR TARANA?: Click here to submit a question you have for Tarana! Questions will be reviewed up until halfway through the event and will be shared via a moderator. Please note that our open question time is limited and we will likely not be able to ask every question submitted.
For more information on Sexual Assault Action Month events, including Take Back the Night on April 28, please visit the Safer website.
Designing for Inclusion Event
Become a CLA Ambassador!
Being a member of this club is a great leadership opportunity and is open to all students in their second year and above, who are a part of the College of Liberal Arts. Below is a brief description of what our club does/its requirements plus the actual application link.
Description: “CLA Ambassadors serve as the student public relations representatives of the College of Liberal Arts. We conduct one-hour info sessions for prospective students and supporters, as well as mentor the freshman CLA Learning Community. We meet twice a month and ambassadors are required to lead one info session per quarter.”
Link: https://forms.gle/Wfo3HczEarjoxe6A7
CLA Summer 2022 Undergraduate Research Program (SURP)
Applications are now being accepted for the CLA Summer Undergraduate Research Program. Up to 15 faculty projects will be available for student applications. Student Information Meeting will be held virtually April 14th, 11:10am-12pm Questions should be directed to Dawn Neill, Director of Research Engagement and Internationalization, CLA dbneill@calpoly.edu.
Students must apply by Friday, April 29, 2022. Please join us for information sessions to address additional questions. Full details available in the SURP Request for Proposals.
NEW CLUB: Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science
CLA Social Media and Digital Content Student Assistant
The College of Liberal Arts is hiring a social media and digital content student assistant the begin training in the 2022 spring quarter. Joining the communications team, this position will manage social media accounts, write short-form news updates, and create/update website content. Day to day tasks will include drafting and posting stories to social media, pitching and execute social media campaigns, compiling stories and events for monthly newsletters and publications, and tracking media mentions and website analytics.
Required skills include: being an excellent writer with attention to detail, knowledge of AP style and ability to learn Cal Poly editorial style guidelines, professional email communication, ability to comprehend the guidelines of an assignment and then proceed independently with minimal direction, ability to multitask and meet deadlines by working both independently and collaboratively, capacity to enthusiastically contribute to a collaborative and creative environment. This position begins in Spring, lasts through summer, and into the '22/23 academic year.
To apply, send a cover letter and resume to Cara King (cking29@calpoly.edu) by Friday, April 15
The Mind in Development Lab (P.I. Dr. Maya Rosen) in the Neuroscience Program at Smith College (Northampton, MA) invites candidates to apply for a lab manager position beginning September 2022. Our research examines the impact of environmental experience on children’s development. Many of our projects focus on understanding the neural, environmental and cognitive mechanisms explaining disparities in long-term outcomes including academic achievement and mental health. Application review will begin on April 1st. To learn more and apply, please click here.
The Memory & Computational Cognition Lab (MC2) directed by Dr. Kimele Persaud at Rutgers University – Newark is looking to hire a full-time lab manager/research specialist. This position will manage and contribute to research on understanding how individuals across different groups leverage their prior knowledge and expectations to help encode, store, and reconstruct information from memory. This position is for an initial contract of one-year, with the possibility of two additional years pending positive performance. The preferred start date is June 15, 2022. For more information about MC2 Lab research, please visit, https://sites.rutgers.edu/mc2-lab/
CALIFORNIA: UCSD Social Cognition and Learning Laboratory: Lab Coordinator Position
The Social Cognition and Learning Laboratory (socallab.ucsd.edu), directed by Dr. Lindsey Powell, is seeking a full-time lab manager to begin Summer 2022, with a start date in late June or early July preferred.
The lab uses behavioral and neural (fNIRS) methods to investigate the development of social cognition and how it impacts learning from others in infancy and early childhood. The lab manager’s responsibilities will center on research activities including recruiting, scheduling, and testing participants; creating experimental stimuli; and training and managing undergraduate RAs to collect and code data. The position will also involve administrative duties such as maintaining and purchasing lab equipment; maintaining and updating IRB protocols and participant databases; and maintaining the lab website and social media outreach. The lab manager will also organize and attend weekly lab meetings and is encouraged to attend other scientific talks and be a member of the intellectual community at UCSD.
The position will involve working closely with the PI and other senior researchers in the lab, and will present the opportunity to build skills in designing experiments and analyzing, presenting, and publishing data. The position is ideal for a recent college graduate interested in gaining research experience before deciding whether to pursue graduate study.
For the full job posting, and to apply, see here!
CALIFORNIA: Research Coordinator Position Available— Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, CA
The Applied Mind and Health (AMH) Lab, directed by Dr. Stacey Doan at Claremont McKenna College in the Department of Psychological Science, seeks a full-time (with benefits) research coordinator/manager beginning the Summer of 2022. Our research focuses on emotions, stress, relationships, and their implications for mental and physical health. Our work is funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. The research coordinator will work closely with the PI and lab group on a research program investigating how emotions and relationships affect behavior, health, and physiological outcomes in children, adolescents, and young adults.
Responsibilities include: overseeing day-to-day lab operations, managing, hiring, coordinating, training, and working with undergraduate research assistants, designing and implementing experiments, data management and analysis, participant recruitment and scheduling, conducting literature reviews, maintaining IRB protocols, budgeting, website, etc., planning and leading lab meetings and social events.
Preferred qualifications: a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, extensive research experience in a psychology lab, experience or a desire to learn psychophysiological and hormone data collection and analysis, detail-oriented, excellent organizational and multitasking skills, and ability to work independently, strong interpersonal, communication, and writing skills, strong analytical skills (e.g., experience with SPSS, R.)
To apply, please submit a cover letter, CV/resume, and a list of potential recommenders to Dr. Doan at sdoan@cmc.edu. Please use the subject line “Lab Coordinator Position." Applications are due May 1, 2022. Questions about this position should be directed to Dr. Stacey Doan at sdoan@cmc.edu.
Bachelor's degree in related scientific field or discipline, or an equivalent combination of education and/or relevant research experience and knowledge of general principles and practices within a discipline and ability to use that knowledge for practical application.
Administrative experience and experience working with children is a plus.
Strong organizational and interpersonal skills, an ability to work independently, and an interest in cognitive psychology are a must.
Computer literacy, including coding experience, and familiarity with statistical analysis and related programs in e.g. R, Python, a plus.
The applicant should be comfortable interacting with children of all ages, with undergraduate students, and especially with parents and community members.
Ability to feign amusement at a continuous barrage of mediocre jokes is encouraged**.
PENNSYLVANIA: Summer Professional Development Award: Temple University Infant & Child Lab
The Temple Infant & Child Lab is offering a summer professional development award to bright, energetic students who are eager to peer into the world of child development. The lab conducts both theoretical and applied research on language acquisition, spatial learning, memory development, and playful learning in children aged 2 years to 7 years.
Students selected for this award will receive hands-on experience in various aspects of the research process. Each student will train on one or two research projects led by Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek and will be paired with a graduate student or post-doctoral fellow mentor who will serve as a resource for questions about their areas of research and graduate school. Each selected student will receive an award of $1,500. This professional development program will take place over 8 weeks during the summer of 2022.
If interested, please send a resume/CV and cover letter to Jelani Medford, Lab Manager, at jelani.medford@temple.edu. Applications will be accepted until Monday, April 4th, 2022. Please visit our website for more information about the lab.
Please check Tuesday Newsday archives for past info on opportunities.
We are hiring over 2,600 summer staff members to lead our students this summer in the Bay Area, Southern California, Seattle, Chicago, and Washington DC. Here’s a quick summary of Galileo’s summer staff positions:
- Summer Operations Interns: Interns work to support all aspects of office operations and camp programming. Recommended for college freshmen.
- Camp Counselors: Our Camp Counselors will take their small groups of campers from rotation to rotation, and spearhead camper management and community building. Recommended for undergraduates looking to gain leadership and/or education experience.
- Instructors: Focus on teaching one elementary-level subject (art, science, or outdoor play) to a specific age group for the entire summer. Recommended for students with leadership and childcare experience.
All you need is 15 minutes and an updated resume to take the next step in having one of the most transformative summers of your life! Need help with your resume? We’ve created this template for you to use when updating your resume.
Our next priority application deadline is Sunday, April 10th at 11:59PM PT
Family Care Network Rehabilitation Specialist Position
The Institute of Reading Development: Now Accepting Applications for Summer 2022
The Institute of Reading Development is now hiring summer teachers for our live online reading skills programs for students of all ages. Our programs provide students with the skills, books, and experiences they need to achieve greater success in school and beyond. There will be opportunities for continued employment with the Institute after the summer. Apply Now Learn more about us and our reading programs at https://instituteofreadingdevelopmentteachingjobs.com/.
LOCAL: Associates in Early Intervention: Child Development Specialist Position
To apply, contact Julie Johnson: julie.johnson411@gmail.com, (805) 260-6975
LOCAL: Kids Connection Developmental Therapy Center
For more information about Bright Life Play School, see here!
Seneca Family of Agencies Support Counselor
See more about the available positions here.
The Boys & Girls Club of the Mid Central Coast
The Boys & Girls Club of the Mid Central Coast (BGCMCC) is opening a new club at Laguna Middle School! The club is hiring for an Assistant Club Director, 3 Youth Development Professionals (YDP) to work Part Time and 2 YDP’s to work during lunchtime. For any questions, please contact Griffin Cook at griffin.cook@centralcoastkids.org
SPRING 2022 office hours will be posted soon on the PSYCD Website. These times are reserved for you! Drop in with advising questions, career/graduate school questions, or just to introduce yourself and chat.
- Remember: Your faculty advisor can serve as your academic and career mentor and their signature is often needed for important paperwork. Be sure to reach out to talk with your faculty advisor on a regular basis. PSY First Year Students and new transfers received an email from the department with the name of your faculty advisor. CD students can find their advisor under Academic Advising on our department website. Students admitted into the PSYCD majors through ICMA will receive an email with advisor information.
- Returning students can contact the department office if you need to be reminded of your faculty advisor's name and contact information.
- Dr. Jipson is also available to advise students advise about minors, ICMAs, course schedules, and graduation requirements.* Her office hours are listed below. Please use the calendar links below to sign up for appointments.
*All internship-related questions should be directed to Dr. Julie Garcia.
Dr. Jipson's In-Person Advising
Use this link to schedule: https://calendly.com/jjipson/in-person-advising
- Mondays 11-1/Thursdays 9-11 a.m.: In person advising only. Students can schedule a 15 minute time slot using the In-Person calendar link above, or drop in. If dropping in, priority will be given to those with an appointment.
Dr. Jipson's Zoom Advising
Use this link to schedule: https://calendly.com/jjipson/zoom-advising
- Tuesdays 1-2 p.m/ Wednesdays 8:30-10:30 a.m.. Zoom advising only. Students can schedule a 15 minute time slot using the Zoom appointment calendar link.
College of Liberal Arts Advising
Tuesday Newsday, March 28, 2022
Tuesday Newsday, March 8, 2022
Tuesday Newsday, March 1, 2022
Tuesday Newsday, February 15, 2022
Tuesday Newsday, February 8, 2022
Tuesday Newsday, February 1st 2022
Tuesday Newsday, January 25, 2022
Tuesday Newsday, January 18, 2022
Tuesday Newsday January 11 2022