Tuesday Newsday: May 10, 2022
- Read Tuesday Newsday every week.
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- Get advising. Scroll to the bottom of Tuesday Newsday for information about advising appointments and faculty office hours.
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- Office Hours and Advising Opportunities
Congrats to All of the PSYCD Students Who Presented Their Work at Conferences in April and May!
Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting
HD-tDCS to the Left Lateral Occipital Complex Improves Haptic Object Recognition (Mary Grace Mylod-Vargas, Aaron Selcov, Grace Peterson, Aidan Barbieux, Daniel Tomer, & Christopher Oseguera)
UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference
Red Sounds Exciting: The Effect of Color Saturation on Perception of an Auditory Illusion (Madison Sandoval, Sophie Mason, Jessica Shockley, & David Abdelmalek)
Gender, Sex, and Emerging Adult Love Life Experiences. (Reyes, K., Villnow, I., Kaylor, A., Wallin, O., Hata, S., Kare, M., & Jovanovic, J.)
Redemption & Identity Development in Emerging Adulthood. (Villnow, I., Reyes, K., Hata, S., Kare, M., Kaylor, A., Wallin, O., & Jovanovic, J.)
Western Psychological Association
An Unforeseen Consequence of Stay-at-Home Mandates: Low-Income Individuals Show Greater Stress Levels and Depressive Symptoms during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Ceballos, B., Seal, A., Bennion, K., Hagobian, T.)
TikTok: Memorable or Ephemeral? (Cheng, K., Eng, T., Reyes, H., Chandar, P., Depetro, C., Devries, C., Harrington, O., Iniguez, R., Kurzrock, E., Mincitar, G., Oliaei, S., Phong, J., Pradhan, A., Preston, K., Rowe, M., Volz, C., Alzate, Q., Attridge, N., Antony, J., & Bennion, K.)
The Importance of Multi-Scale Surprise Informing Autobiographical Sports Memories. (Van Dam, J., Massey, J., Figueroa, J., Gott, O., Guerra, T., Henige, J., Saito, N., Smith, M., Bennion, K., & Antony, J.)
Changing School Culture: Educators Perspective on Culturally Responsive Practices (Nancy Lagunas, B.S., Amelia Solis Macias, B.A.,Tatiana Garcia, B.S., & Susana Ayala López)
College Students' Knowledge and Perceptions of Alzheimer's disease (Valencia-Laver, Debra., *Rogers, Anna (PSY BS '17), *DeTurck, Alex (PSY BS '22), & *Shapiro, Jasmine (PSY BS '22).
WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) Accreditation Resource Conference (ARC)
Creatively using National Survey of Student Engagement data to inform university DEI needs: A qualitative analysis (Bennion, K. A. , Garcia, J. A., Hoyer, T. B., Mendiola. L. V., Luenser, R. S., & Norwood, Y. T.)
Spartan Psychological Association Research Conference
The Effects of Randomized vs. Categorized Presentation on Memory for TikTok Videos (Reyes, H., Howie, S., Monteiro, A., Niemiec, J., Eng, T., Coffman, M., Lee, Y., Antony, J. W., & Bennion, K. A.)
CSU Student Research Competition
Relationships between OCD Symptoms, COVID Anxiety, and Cognitive Distortions on the Effects of COVID-19 on Individuals with OCD (Ariadne Kaylor)
(if we missed your presentation, please email jjipson@calpoly.edu so we can include it in next week's Tuesday Newsday!).
Mark your Calendars!
Summer Registration is Now Open!
The PSYCD Department is planning to offer the following classes this summer. Classes will only be offered if there is sufficient enrollment. Register now if you are interested in using the summer to advance your degree progress!
Watch out!
Degree Planner does not have the most up to date information about when classes are going to be offered. Check the Tentative Course Offerings for more accurate information!
- The process for obtaining a fall internship is already underway. For questions, please contact Dr. Garcia.
- A limited number of summer internships are available only for students who need to complete internship in summer in order to graduate Summer or Fall. Please contact Dr. Garcia if you are interested in (and eligible) for summer internship.
- Note: Interviews for summer internships happen during the spring quarter. You would need to be enrolled over summer in PSY/CD 453/454 to complete a summer internship.
Research internships will be limited to students graduating in or before Winter 2023 and to students on the PSYCD Research Track (PSY/CD 448, 449)
- To explore the possibility of a research internship, please review faculty research interests on our faculty page. Not all faculty are accepting research interns at this time. To find out whether you might join a faculty research lab, attend the office hours for professors whose research activities match your interests.
Think Ahead: Fall Registration is Right Around the Corner!
PSYCD Tentative Course Offerings
Attention ICMA Students
Are you on contract to change your major to PSY or CD? If you anticipate meeting the criteria, you will need to enroll in CD 102 or PSY 102 in Fall.Please contact Beatriz Peralta (bperal01@calpoly.edu) for a permission number to enroll.
Interested in the Research Track?
This video provides information for interested students. See information below to decide whether the Research Track is right for you.
Senior Project Symposium, June 2nd from 11-1
Every spring we gather to hear about the work PSYCD seniors have been doing for their senior projects. Seniors - consider showcasing your work! Other students - come support your peers and learn about the senior project process!
Interest Form for Senior Project Seminar
Senior Celebration, June 3rd 6 - 9 p.m. @ The Kinney!!!
The PSYCD Department is planning a Graduation Celebration for our 2022 Graduates. It will be held from 6-9 p.m. on Friday, June 3rd. Are you a senior graduating in Spring or Summer? You're invited to come eat, drink, dance, play skeeball/jenga/shuffleboard/pinball and bask in the glow of your accomplishments with your peers and faculty!
We are also looking for students to help plan this event - Juniors are particularly encouraged to pay it forward. Contact Dr. Jipson if you want to help with the event.
Want/Need Financial Support? Apply for Scholarships Now!
Even though it doesn't look like there are many opportunities specifically for PSYCD, there is actually a good amount of money for university-wide scholarships and each department gets to make a few awards to their students.
The university’s Common Scholarship Application is linked from Apps in MyPortal and allows students to apply for all CP scholarships with just one application.
The Scholarship Office encourages students to apply by April 30 in order to maximize the opportunities available, but the PSYCD department will extend our consideration to May 6th.
Here is one that is specific to PSYCD...
Psychological Science Scholarship Endowment
The Psychological Science Scholarship Endowment supports upper division Psychology majors concentrating on psychology as an empirical science. Selected student must have a minimum 3.5 Cal Poly GPA with preference to students who attended a partner high school, are first generation and/or show demonstrated financial need.
Apply through the Common Scholarship Application and include: college courses and research internships that you have taken to prepare for a career as a scientist in the discipline of psychology, your career goals as they relate to psychology and psychological research, and unofficial college transcript.
2021-22 Student Travel/Professional Development Awards
The Psychology & Child Development Department has approved the use of limited discretionary funds during the 2021-22 academic year for reimbursement of student expenses related to presenting at a conference (in person or virtual). This award is also available to graduate students attending workshops or other professional development opportunities
Any Psychology or Child Development major, or Psychology graduate student, who spends personal funds towards such an activity may apply for a PSYCD Student Award. Students may apply for one conference/workshop reimbursement per academic year. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis through June 1, 2022.
Please follow these steps at least 2 weeks before the event (if possible).
- STEP 1: Fill out the Student Award Application as soon as you know you will be requesting financial support to present at a conference or attending a workshop. You can request the application form from Dr. Jipson (jjipson@calpoly.edu).
- STEP 2: If award application is approved, student will be emailed a Travel Request Form. Students are asked to submit this form at least 10 days prior to the conference.
- STEP 3: Following the conference, preapproved students must send the following information to Christi Brizzolara (cbrizzol@calpoly.edu).
- Registration fee receipt
- Description of your experience at the conference/workshop, and a reflection on how attendance contributed to your professional growth (1-2 pages)
- If a conference, evidence of your authorship role, such as an acceptance letter or copy of the conference program that includes your name and the title of your presentation.
Psi Chi
(see social media for event updates!)
Psychology Club
.There will be snacks for everyone and gift card prizes for every winning team member! We can’t wait to hear your psychology knowledge! Come to Baker 101 to play Jeopardy and learn more about Psych Club and our board! It’s going to be a fun one and we can’t wait to see you there!
Poly Child Development Club
(see social media for event updates!)
OUDI's Inclusive Excellence Month
Cal Poly strives for Inclusive Excellence, the idea that in order to be excellent, an institution is constantly evolving toward becoming more diverse, equitable and inclusive. The university recognizes and celebrates the value of the different viewpoints, knowledge, cultures and skills that diverse communities bring to the educational experience. Inclusive Excellence is the engine that drives diversity and inclusion efforts at Cal Poly.
All month, OUDI is holding events related to inclusive excellence. For a full list of events this month, see here.
NextGen Psych Scholars Program
Sponsored by the psychology departments at the University of Minnesota and Penn State University, NPSP is a virtual graduate student-led mentorship program for underrepresented (e.g., BIPOC, low-income, first-gen, LGBTQIA+) undergraduates and post-baccalaureates interested in applying to psychology PhD programs.
The goal of NPSP is to cultivate long-term support structures between current underrepresented graduate students and diverse undergrad or post-baccalaureate mentees to (1) embrace and celebrate the unique journeys that have led current graduate students to pursue a PhD and (2) inspire and empower the next generation of scholars while enhancing feelings of belonging in academia. Although the process of applying to graduate school will be outlined, we will spend a significant amount of time discussing how to both challenge and navigate the “hidden curriculum” (e.g., networking, advocating for yourself) of academia as well as the hardships experienced by underrepresented students.
The Memory & Computational Cognition Lab (MC2) directed by Dr. Kimele Persaud at Rutgers University – Newark is looking to hire a full-time lab manager/research specialist. This position will manage and contribute to research on understanding how individuals across different groups leverage their prior knowledge and expectations to help encode, store, and reconstruct information from memory. This position is for an initial contract of one-year, with the possibility of two additional years pending positive performance. The preferred start date is June 15, 2022. For more information about MC2 Lab research, please visit, https://sites.rutgers.edu/mc2-lab/
Please check Tuesday Newsday archives for past info on opportunities.
These are our most recent job postings. For previously posted opportunities, see here or use the Tuesday Newsday archives at the bottom of this page.
Do you want to make a direct impact this upcoming school year? Consider applying to Teach For America’s Ignite Fellowship to work directly with elementary or middle school students this fall.
TFA's Ignite Fellowship looks for current college students to lead virtual, small group tutoring sessions with students during the school day while partnering with veteran educators. This is a part-time, paid, virtual opportunity to build meaningful relationships with youth, accelerate student success, and hone your leadership skills. TFA’s Ignite Fellowship is accepting applications until June 6th. Start your application here.
We have two upcoming info sessions during which we will share details about the fellowship, provide tips on submitting a strong application, and answer questions you may have. Register for the May 12th info session here or the May 17th info session here. Interested instead in paid, full-time post-grad opportunities? Check out our 2023 TFA corps application here.
We are hiring over 2,600 summer staff members to lead our students this summer in the Bay Area, Southern California, Seattle, Chicago, and Washington DC. Here’s a quick summary of Galileo’s open summer staff positions:
- Camp Counselors: Our Camp Counselors will take their small groups of campers from rotation to rotation, and spearhead camper management and community building. Recommended for undergraduates looking to gain leadership and/or education experience.
- Instructors: Focus on teaching one elementary-level subject (art, science, or outdoor play) to a specific age group for the entire summer. Recommended for students with leadership and childcare experience.
All you need is 15 minutes and an updated resume to take the next step in having one of the most transformative summers of your life! Need help with your resume? We’ve created this template for you to use when updating your resume.
Our final priority application deadline is Sunday, May 15th, at 11:59 PM PT.
River Way Ranch Camp: Several Summer Openings
River Way Ranch Camp is a residential summer camp for children ages 7-16, located in the foothills of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park and just 35 minutes East of Fresno, CA. We are currently looking for Resident Camp Counselors and Mentors, as well as specific Activity Directors. We include over 55 hours of free, intensive training such as Lifeguard, CPR, First Aid, Ropes Course Facilitation, Child Behavior and much more. Additionally, all sports training is included along with FREE housing and meals for the length of the summer. This is a paid position, and is fantastic for students that currently live on campus since they'll need a place to reside after school ends.
For more information, contact
The San Luis Obispo United Methodist Children's Center (UMCC) is a NAEYC Accredited Preschool and has proudly been open for over 30 years. We are conveniently located off the freeway near Cal Poly. We are in need Summer Preschool Teachers starting June 13, 2022. There are multiple positions available- some are M-F, and some are MWF or TTH. You must have Early Childhood Education units (a minimum of 6 ece units and enrolled in college, or 12 ece units) and a love for young children is a must! Your daily job duties would be planning an age-appropriate curriculum, setting up the classroom and team teaching with another teacher. Our Summer Session is 8 weeks, June 13-August 5. When emailing us, please include your unofficial transcripts and your resume. Please contact Liz or Mona at 805.549.0332.
Center for Service in Action: AmeriCorps-VIP Fellowship positions
The Center for Service in Action has started recruitment for the 2022-23 AmeriCorps-VIP Fellowship positions in San Luis Obispo and we would love your help recruiting students who may be graduating in the Spring. AmeriCorps is a great opportunity for students who are graduating and may have a gap year between school and their future careers or grad school. This program partners individuals with SLO community nonprofits and other agencies to address volunteer infrastructure needs through a national year of service and a simultaneous professional development program.
We are hosting an info session about these positions on Thursday May, 5th from 4-6pm in Building 52 Room E3. We also have the position posted on handshake: https://calpoly.joinhandshake.com/stu/jobs/4779743?ref=preview-header-click
Office Hours are posted on the PSYCD Website. These times are reserved for you! Drop in with advising questions, career/graduate school questions, or just to introduce yourself and chat.
- Remember: Your faculty advisor can serve as your academic and career mentor and their signature is often needed for important paperwork. Be sure to reach out to talk with your faculty advisor on a regular basis. PSY First Year Students and new transfers received an email from the department with the name of your faculty advisor. CD students can find their advisor under Academic Advising on our department website. Students admitted into the PSYCD majors through ICMA will receive an email with advisor information.
- Returning students can contact the department office if you need to be reminded of your faculty advisor's name and contact information.
- Dr. Jipson is also available to advise students advise about minors, ICMAs, course schedules, and graduation requirements.* Her office hours are listed below. Please use the calendar links below to sign up for appointments.
*All internship-related questions should be directed to Dr. Julie Garcia.
Dr. Jipson's In-Person Advising
Use this link to schedule: https://calendly.com/jjipson/in-person-advising
- Mondays 11-1/Thursdays 9-11 a.m.: In person advising only. Students can schedule a 15 minute time slot using the In-Person calendar link above, or drop in. If dropping in, priority will be given to those with an appointment.
Dr. Jipson's Zoom Advising
Use this link to schedule: https://calendly.com/jjipson/zoom-advising
- Tuesdays 1-2 p.m/ Wednesdays 8:30-10:30 a.m.. Zoom advising only. Students can schedule a 15 minute time slot using the Zoom appointment calendar link.
College of Liberal Arts Advising
Tuesday Newsday, April 26, 2022
Tuesday Newsday, April 19, 2022
Tuesday Newsday, April 12, 2022
Tuesday Newsday, April 5, 2022
Tuesday Newsday, March 28, 2022
Tuesday Newsday, March 8, 2022
Tuesday Newsday, March 1, 2022
Tuesday Newsday, February 15, 2022
Tuesday Newsday, February 8, 2022
Tuesday Newsday, February 1st 2022
Tuesday Newsday, January 25, 2022
Tuesday Newsday, January 18, 2022
Tuesday Newsday January 11 2022